Monday, March 21, 2016

The Alliance Changing of the Guard

The Alliance Changing of the Guard

In the previous post I said this regarding character futures in Legion: "There's a chance the choice of boost will come from the Alliance side. The challenge would be immense. The Wild family footprint in the Alliance consists of the Teagreen guild and not much else. Money and materials would all have to be raised from nearly nothing. However, Sista, Chaitee, and  Javajoo are all good candidates (although Java would likely opt for a sex-change first). Just thinking out loud."

Well, over the weekend I took a look at the dormant account and started thinking about what it would take to start up a real Alliance presence. Here is the plan:

The Teagreen Guild is going to expand the reach of the Wild Family into Alliance territory. It won't be easy. The mind twisting requirement to think like an Alliance is utterly foreign. Guild coffers are full of moldering junk. Bank assets are a joke. Gear must be earned instead of bought. Everything will have to be built mostly from scratch. Alliance lands are virtually uncharted territory. It is a daunting challenge, but I'm going to do this.

The formal kick-off will be when I re-open the dormant account. I have to get everything ready for the one month I will have both accounts active. During that period characters will be shuffled to consolidate the few Alliance players in the family. All will be welcomed into the Alliance family guild.

Today that means:
Javajoo, Level 61 paladin,
Sistaphilia, level 60 worgen
Chaitee, level 21 hunter
Awayslost, level 12 paladin
Friends of Teagreen will also be welcome to join/re-activate if they wish to.

I have been thinking about the boost question and I've decided to table it for now. If I'm to learn the layout of the Alliance lands I need to be out there on ground and flying mounts to see it. I expect at least Java, Sista, and Chaitee to earn levels the old fashioned way, and to see it through all the way to level 110. Once these three hit level 100, though, I may consider adding and then boosting a new character, to be determined. When all of that is in place I will deactivate Account #1. Wild and all of that part of the family will retire. For a time.

When I'm done, the two accounts will look like this:

Account #1, Primarily Horde    Account #2, Alliance Building
Judi's Account                           Charlie's Account
Jocelyne (H)                              Javajoo (A) - move required
Tiphaine (H)                              Sistaphilia (A)
Plumrosefist (H)                        Chaitee (A) - Move required
Jezzibael (H)                              Alwayslost (A)
Wildshard (H)                            Bruiserbabe (H)
Phillyperdue (H)                        Beanoevils (H)
Merylitlbotm (H)                       Hapless (H)
Hearnoevils (H)                         Mewgoogaipan (H)

Alwayslost will take over the Auction House duties for the Alliance side. Hapless has volunteered to be the go-between with the Horde to pass goods and/or gold between the factions. A long time ago that was a routine, albeit dangerous, way to move helpful things from one side to the other.

I've set nothing into motion yet, but I think I've covered all the issues. Is this a crazy notion or what?

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