Saturday, January 19, 2019

Wildshard Passes Mahakeya

Wildshard Passes Mahakeya

Mahakeya : Gearscore 311, AP 19 plus 18% and i325 weapon
Wildshard : Gearscore 312, AP 17 plus 10% and i340 weapon

Keya sneered. "It took five pieces of gear from the Auction House to get that status, Wild."

Then came an Update from Darkshore on the 17th:
New Gearscore 315, AP 19 plus 21% and i350 pole arm weapon
NewGearscore 316 AP 20 plus 22%

"Whatever it takes," Wild replied. "I don't care how I get there, as long as I get there."

Keya wasn't finished. "So how's the guild going, Wild? How many conscripts have you paid to join? Oh, wait, that would be zero, wouldn't it?"

"Too bad you left the Horde," Keya added. "You had friends there, two guild options you could have taken. And yet here you are, running as Alliance instead of where you should have stayed, with the Horde."

Wild said nothing. He knew Keya was right. Wild's stubborn streak may yet get him killed beyond redemption one day.

Wild shook off the ugly thoughts. The past two days were actually good for Wild. He has surpassed Keya's scores now, thanks to his efforts at the Portal to Darkshore and the Highlands.

But now, Wild told himself, he still had to make a living. Time to do some farming.

Wild's new Friends.

Friday, January 11, 2019

The 2018 Warcraft New Year's Wrap-Up

The 2018 Warcraft New Year's Wrap-Up

The Battle for Azeroth marks the Fourteenth year that the Horde and Alliance have been battling each other on their home grounds and on more than one planet.

At the end of 2017 the various families and guilds took a siesta. Keya was still around, still working on more improvements. Chaitee was on a break at her True Shot Lodge and Java took over the Auction House business. Sista handled the day to day work, such as it was. Sista was very worried about Rakta.

Unrelated to Rakta (could it have been Rakta?), the guild family decided to remove all add-ons. None of them were working properly. Frankly, things became easier with the add-ons gone. The Auction House was the biggest worry, but even that settled down over time. Meanwhile, Argus was becoming the center focus.

In March, there was a flurry of activity involving the Horde. There were voices raised demanding that the Horde Faction (which Wild is part of) shut down for lack of activity. Obviously, Tiphaine and her Alliance guild was both happy and complicit. The complications would be enormous.

Meanwhile, Java dumped the Auction House, bored beyond tears. Chaitee happily took back the reins, loudly emphasized by Chaitee's cat, Taz.

Then, on March 29th, Wildshard went to the Alliance side.

Quote: "Whoa! What a rush! Wildshard remains himself in his new incarnation as an Alliance Night Elf and Gaurdian Druid. He also kept his name. Clean shaven, too. I must say he makes a dashing figure. Wild's slouch is gone, too."

But as the days passed Wildshard began to have second thoughts. He still sees himself as a healer. Quote: "There are reminders every time he opens a bag and out spills things with intellect on them. Wild was a healer in his heyday. A good one. Dungeon and raid successes. The Glory days. Now he doesn't even have a Guild.

It's April and I Quote: "When Wildshard reaches max level it is always past midnight. Call it coincidence, call it fate, but it always falls that way. Last night was the first exception. Usually Wild has someone to talk to while doing that midnight work, but this time Wild was alone. Wild also typically goes fishing on the nights that turn into leveling, and that didn't happen this time, either. Make of it what you will.Wild still reached level 110.

Much of the year revolved around fishing. Both Keya and Wild are avid fishermen and both would win their own Underlight Angler fishing poles.

In May Demon Hunter Mahakeya returned to action.
Keya owns three legendary items of gear:
She has her Underlight.
She has the Cinidaria, the Simbiote, an i970 belt.
She also has The Sentinel's Eternal Refuge, an  i970 pair of boots.

About the same time, guild less Wild was welcomed into the Goblin Gearworks Guild.

May wound down with Wildshard doing the impossible - he joined a raid. The target was a super elite target and the raid leader was looking for volunteers, specifically another tank. Wild got the call. He did well, stayed alive, and only twice did he get into serious trouble. The healers had Wild's back, and Wild thanked them for the help. And he was still standing when the boss elite went down. The highlight may also be retirement for the elderly druid.

Wildshard stayed with the Gearworks for awhile but things were just not the same. Wild quietly left the guild. Age is catching up. Wild catches himself thinking more about the past than the future.

Wild has in mind going on a walkabout. A journey of introspection and discovery. At some point in his journey he may want company. Or he may not. Which means he needs to be prepared for both options. And for that to work, Wild is going to create his own guild. Should he take that approach, Wild already has a name for the guild: BloodNtheWater.

So there goes the last word on the 2018 Campaign. Read the last post on December 29th.
"The Revival of Wildshard" Read it.

PS - As for Guilds Wildshard once belonged to, they are still here. Rhonna's guild Warchild is still listed. Raid Progression shows a 8/8 Uldir on LFR. Still active.

The Horde Fate Sealed is also still active. Ramux is still Guild Leader. Horde. Four Mythic guild runs successful.

The Horde Meitha Guild is active as well. Grrbaby is still the Guild Leader.

The local Order of the Dragon is also on the Horde side of the family.  

Question to Ponder - The list of Wild's guilds all fall into the Horde camp. So why is Wild in the Alliance?

A Splurge at the Auction House

A Splurge at the Auction House

Note: Wild's return and swift progress from nothing to max iLevel 120  had a number of twists and curves. Fun and intense, but then Wild is just one of many who have trod those paths. Wild opted to forgo all that commentary and get to the point. 

Wildshard has now reached max iLevel 120 with an overall gear score of i275. Wild is happy about that milestone, but it is not yet good enough. He's been holding on to his gold, hoping Chaitee could steer him to any bargains he might get on weapon buys. 

Wild has 43,387 gold  in his pocket and entered the Auction House determined to make the most of it. His highest level piece of gear is his i275 staff. He loves that staff, simple though it is.

Then Wildshard started spending.

His first piece of upgraded gear was an ilevel 340 wrist piece. Yes, a jump from i275 to i340. Wild then broke a few records with additional purchases, adding i340 hands, waist, legs, and feet. His biggest need turned out to be cheaper than expected, a two handed i340 Mace. When Chaitee tallied the cost of the upgrades, she told Wild he had only 13k gold left.

Wild's new ensemble gave him an overall gear score of i305.

Wild's new dudes look good - mostly. Wild likes the dark grey overall tone and has been able to keep that, but when out in the field Wild cares only that he has the best gear he can get.

That said, Wild HATES the comical look of his mace, so he makes sure he gets plenty of gore plastered on his kills.

Wild has some decisions to make now that he has upped his game. He wants to get his guild in place. He also has to get more serious about earning Artifact Power (AP) , which is the defacto method of leveling once level 120 was reached.

Wild's AP is currently AP 12 plus 75% toward AP 13.

For comparison, Demon Hunter Keya's gear score is i311. Wild still has a way to go if he decides to overtake Mahakeya. And of course Keya will have something to say about that, too.

Wild's Grey Outfit

Wild's more outlandish gear to follow in next post.