Monday, March 28, 2016

Chaitee Gets the Call

Chaitee Gets the Call

Java is working from the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh and intends to stay in the field to continue leveling. At the same time, she is hoping that additional sales from her posts to the Auction House will start to come in. Java can get those sales from mailboxes along the way, but she can't repost failed bids without returning to Stormwind.

It's time Chaitee got involved. Chaitee is in Darnassus but it shouldn't take more than a trip to the flight master to get her to Stormwind. The level 21 hunter welcomed the change and has already agreed to take charge of the AH business. Without saying so to Java, though, she is even more anxious to get some action of her own. There should be plenty of tasks she can tackle in the areas around Stormwind. By the way, this morning's take from the AH is 511 gold.

Chaitee's journey to Stormwind took a round-a-bout turn when she couldn't recall the quickest way to get there. So she decided to take a flight to Ratchet first. There are certainly quicker ways, but Chaitee doesn't know them. Ratchet and Stranglethorn are neutral cities, so Chaitee can use her horde knowledge to get to the Eastern Kingdom.

It was a long trip, but Chaitee reached Ratchet and took the boat to Booty Bay. She knew exactly where the flight master was and . . . Whoa! The flight master is Horde! Chaitee almost made a fatal mistake. Well, Chaitee has no idea where the Alliance flight master is, so off she went to find one. One of the "charms" of  Booty Bay is that there are no helpful toons to get directions from. None. Eventually Chaitee found the Alliance flight master atop one of the buildings adjacent to the one where the horde flight master is. From there it was an easy flight to Stormwind. Chaitee is home.

Java continued her steady climb, reaching level 65 on Saturday night. She also returned to Stormwind for a short time to collect failed AH items, which she turned over to Chaitee to manage. That done, Chaitee took some time to address her own needs. Astonishingly, Chaitee was wielding a two-hander and didn't even own a bow or gun! She's a hunter! Chaitee had become a pauper in Darnassus. With resources from Java, Chaitee fixed that quickly, getting a good deal on a bow in an Auction House where good deals are rare. Java also raised her rating with the guild, giving her Brewmaster rights.

In the meantime, Java wrapped up her stay in Zangermarsh and entered Terrokar Forest. She still has much to do there, but did reach level 66. So far she has set a consistent pace. She has been staying at the Allerion Stronghold (another alliance stopover). Java overflew the horde stronghold by accident and was attacked by the defenses. Java yelled down to them from her flying mount and made a rude gesture. Java figured that's what the Alliance would have done had the situation been the reverse.

Speaking of horde, the Wild family is having a quiet Easter. Basic garrison duties are still being taken care of, but all other activity has been set aside. No followers are being sent out, and both mining and herb gathering is idle.

On a side note - Saturday morning, 7:30am. I logged in and got a "Login Server Full" message. I haven't seen that warning literally in years. Certainly this comes from the recent 6.2.4 patch. But what does that say about the WoW servers? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Another of Java's Friends

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