Friday, October 13, 2017

Chaitee Boost Process: Skidding off the Rails?

Chaitee Boost Process: Skidding off the Rails?

Chaitee finally made the time to begin the Level 100 Boost process. Before she even got started, however, she nearly panicked with worry when she called her loyal pet, Tazzy, and he didn't show up. Chaitee tried everything she could think of, using her whistle (Call Pet), dismiss and recall, checking for the need to feed, and even the revive call. She felt kicked in the gut when she saw the words "you do not have a pet." The commands worked, but Tazzy did not appear. Tazzy may be a pixilated cat, but there's hell to pay if Chaitee has lost Tazzy, the Missus' pride and joy, modeled after a now long gone family pet who stills speaks to her across the Rainbow Bridge.

Chaitee tried to quell her concerns, and talked herself into believing there is simply an error caused by having remained static from Cataclysm, to Draenor, and now Legion without catching up with all the changes.

She checked her Specialization. Yes, she is designated as Beast Mastery. However, the Activate button was greyed out. So it could be something to do with Specializations and Talents. She checked her guide and made changes. Her two usable talents are "Way of the Cobra" and "Stomp." Her Beast Mastery Specialization Activated. She didn't see it, lost in her misery.

Chaitee bit her lip, head lowered.

Chaitee raised her head. "Tazzy!" She screamed in delight, but she couldn't see him.
"Where are you?" She spun around, looking frantically about. She then felt warm fur pushing at her thigh.
Chaitee reached down and grabbed thick fur. "You're almost invisible! But you are here!" Chaitee sank down to the cobblestones of the Trade District, ignoring the stares of passersbye and showered her mighty cat with hugs and kisses.

Chaitee is much relieved to have her pet back, even though he is still stuck in Prowl mode. Someone suggested that taking Tazzy out on a kill would clear the prowl mode. It didn't. No matter. The Boost will likely clear it, and if it doesn't Chaitee will deal with it. Everyone she talked to says there are no troubles with the boost. All her pets, gear, goods and bags are safe. So she is told.

One thing to add, though. Chaitee's pre-boost grab bag of "useful" gear is a lot less useful than she thought. The boost will grant her a set of i640 gear. She also collected 18 pieces of i780 gear to get her through the level 101-110 crunch. But of the 18 pieces, 13 of them were level 110. Not likely she'll still need the i780s by the time she hits 110. However, she does have five pre-110 pieces ranging from i694 to i731, so some of that gear might see some use. Chaitee also has one i880 BOA piece she'll keep in her bags. Any gear in her bags will be mailed to her after the boost.

The offical process from Blizzard follows:
Select Character - That would be Chaitee
Choose Spec - Hunter Beast Mastery (selecting this spec is permanent)
The boost comes with a set of i640 green gear itemized for class and spec, 4  Embersilk Bags, 500g, a  Hearthstone, a backpack, and 20  Potato Axebeak Stew.

Other info: At the start Chaitee will have Artisan Flying (level 70). But since there is another character on the account with Draenor Pathfinder in 6.2.2, she should be able to fly in Level 90 Draenor as well. Flying in Legion? Probably not until she reaches level 110.

Pray that all goes well. Launching the Boost . . . NOW.

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