Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Mahakeya - Demon Hunter

Mahakeya - Demon Hunter

Night Elf Mahakeya, aka "Keya," was transformed on this date. She chose her features carefully, anointed her skin with markings, and proudly displayed her fire-lit eyes, rejecting the selection of permanent masks.

She arrives at Mardum, the Shattered Abyss. She learns the basics of the class. Her great duel wielding blades seem too large and heavy at the start, but she quickly begins to learn and grow. The earliest training allows only Havoc spec for the DPSers. It is not until near the end of the training when Keya was allowed to select her spec, choosing Vengeance. Keya will need more practice and training on her own to become proficient, but the early results are looking good.

Keya owns up to two "wish I'd done that differently" miscues during her long, bloody encounters mostly wrapped in black skies and dark, dank underground tunnels and chambers. Her first was the first and only time she sacrificed herself on a particular quest that gave her the choice of sacrificing herself or another. She chose herself. It wasn't a trick, but it was a trial. There was no saving grace, and she died. Tiphaine, who had faced a worse choice in her training to be a death knight, at least understood, if not approving her choice. As for Keya, she took that lesson to heart. No pity in her future. Her second false step was very literal. She was near the end and needed to reach a rendezvous and the elevator in the Tomb of the Penitent that takes her to the surface. It was very dark, but Keya ran straight to it. Well, she would have - had the elevator been there. It wasn't, and it was a long, looong fall. Look before you leap. Getting to Level 99 came and went without noticing it much. Level 100 was worth a pat on the back. The finale was a bit of a letdown. There is a replay of the event in Stormwind when assassins invade the castle and attempt to kill the king. Remember that years old quest? Well, it was exactly the same, only with demon hunters killing the assassins.

That ends the training part. Keya is now a full fledged demon hunter.

Some comments: The demon hunter training took much less time to complete than the death knight training, with everything completed on the same day. The quests were less varied as well. Too many times we were killing the same kinds of demons in the same kinds of places. I didn't slow down to get all of the lore, so I might have missed some things.

I didn't know that Keya would have to pick a follower. She was given two choices - Kayn or Altruis. There are no advantages to which are picked. I chose Kayn purely because his name is short and easy to holler when he screws up. We don't actually get our follower (or whatever he'll be called) until later.

Anyone with modest gear can complete this without much trouble. Quests are pretty easy to decipher and the yellow quest arrows did a good job keeping Keya from getting lost. Keya's gear score now that she's finished is i679. No one in the alliance guild can touch that, which puts her high in the running for being first into Legion. That's not decided, yet. Horde Jocy did feel the need to point out that her gear level is i693. That may open a crack at giving the horde a shot at some point.

Finally, using our ordinary map, anyone (not just the demon hunters) can check the map to find where legion invasions are in progress, along with how much time is left. So, surprise! at least to me, everyone has a chance at the goodies in this in between time. Go kill some demons!

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