Monday, August 9, 2010

Weekend (9 Aug) - Auction House Woes

Weekend (9 Aug) - Auction House Woes

About the only activity over the weekend has been at the Auction House and the Veterinary Hospital. Our 11 year old cat had surgery on Thursday and we got him home Saturday night. That has pretty much absorbed our time for the past few days.

Last week Wild got in his two nights of ICC but did not get to run the scheduled Ruby Sanctum raid on Friday night. Wild learned later that the run was called off when the raid leader was called in to work and couldn't make the raid. Wild has yet to set foot in the game's newest dungeon. Wild wasn't able to make the ICC25 on Saturday afternoon, either. Philly fidgets, unable to get time for the ICC 5 man runs she wants to get done.

Meanwhile, Happy and Lost struggle through ever shrinking profits. The "walking the dog" syndrome has thoroughly infected both horde and alliance now. Happy has four full bags of different items that he deals with every day, and rarely has more than half a dozen items "not for sale." Right now more than a quarter of his items are off the market. And many of his posted items just sit there at the lowest price, with no buyers. Even Happy's best item, frost wyrm flasks, went upside down this weekend, with prices on the key ingredient (frost lotus) becoming increasingly pricey while a bidding war drove down the price of the flasks so far that Happy stopped selling them. Ironically, frost lotus is selling at bargain prices on the alliance side, but high priced items like that are not good choices to try to buy or sell through the neutral auction house, and they cost too much for Lost anyway. This weekend will be a complete loss for Happy. Very little cash coming in, and very little worth buying to restock his shelves. Lost is still making a profit, but her stock is very small and the AH is not offering her any bargains to rebuild.

Naithipe was around, flitting here and there in Kalimdor, disturbing the Timbermaw tribe in Felwood and using their tunnels, but said nary a word about what she was up to.

EZ plans to make the Monday pvp night, and is looking forward to trying out her Stormstrike enhanced dual blades - unless the cat decides to change our plans.

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