Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday (9 Aug) - Risking Big

Tuesday (9 Aug) - Risking Big

Sorry to be talking shop again, but Happy couldn't contain himself. Frost lotus prices leaped to better than 30g apiece on the horde AH. Frost lotus prices on the Alliance AH was 14g each. Happy talked Lost into burning her entire stake on ten frost lotus, costing her 140g. Happy agreed to pay 17g each if the frost lotus could make it's way through the neutral AH. Through the intermediaries at Booty Bay the deal was struck, with the neutral AH taking 2g 55s for each frost lotus. The end result was that Happy paid 170g for ten frost lotus that he would normally be willing to pay up to 200g for, saving Happy 30g. Lost, who paid 140g for the frost lotus, is receiving 174g back, a 34g profit on the transaction. For the Wild family as a whole, the deal was worth 64g in profits and saved costs. Not too bad. At last check Tuesday night, though, frost lotus prices on the alliance AH were up to 20g each. This might have been a one shot deal, but Lost will certainly stay on the lookout.

Lost has the AH bug bad, now. She was still waiting to get that 174g when she found a great bargain on greater eternal essence. Normal price was 6g each, but she found them on the AH for 3g each. She had no money to buy them, and she had no access to the alliance guild bank (but that's another story). Lost, not wanting to let that deal get away, got hold of Java. Java went to the bank and took out most of the gold (it's temporary, I promise!) and bought up the bargain priced eternals. He sent them to Lost with a dire warning that she had to return the money taken from the bank as soon as she cashed in on the sales.

Lost needs bank access to return that gold. Only the guild master can give her (and Rakta) that access. The guild master, Daethbot, has been on sabbatical but may make a brief return to grant the access (considering there is 60g at stake).

The Mrs's toon, Chaitee, went for a surprise stroll as well. She has been hanging out in Stormwind, although I've forgotten why. Chaitee heard that there is a cat lady just like her not far from the city. Her name is Donnie Anthania, but everyone just calls her the Crazy Cat Lady. Chaitee and her combat pet, Stretch, left the city and headed south to the small town of Goldshire, where she then turned north up a winding path through pleasant woods until she found the lady's charming little house.

Inside Chaitee met with Donnie and admired her many cats.

Chaitee does have a cat of her own, a Siamese cat, but she couldn't resist adding to her little family. Perhaps she got a little carried away, but she loves cats, and just couldn't turn any of them down. In addition to her Siamese, she came away with four cat carriers, each with it's own occupant: a Bombay cat, a Cornish Rex, an Orange tabby, and a Silver tabby. The Mrs doesn't yet know about Chaitee's little trip, and hope's it will be a nice surprise to open up those cat carriers and claim her new pets.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I enjoyed that. Both the shop talking but even more the cat story. I have made the same trip with my first toon Neekia. She like to fish and though cats would be good companions for her trips to the lake.

  3. Cats are great companions for fishing. However, fish don't particularly take to cats as companions. ;-)

    Hmm, wouldn't it be nice if cats could catch fish and the catch would count in leveling fishing skill.
