Friday, February 12, 2010

Thursday (11 Feb) - Quiet Night

Thursday (11 Feb) - Quiet Night

Wild had no trouble logging in Thursday night, and for once things seemed much more stable. Of course it would be better, Wild would not be raiding. I whispered Bd, the raid leader for the MM group, and let him know that I needed to rest the hand and could not make the raid. He was disappointed, but understood. I wished them well, and I sincerely hope they clear the whole ICC wing.

Happy puttered about the AH. Happy is not that happy. Profits are down by two-thirds, with no signs of improvement. Enchanting mats, Happy's forte, are just not selling at the price or quantity of the past. In some cases once good selling items has become very stable, the absolutely worst thing that can happen since Happy needs prices to fluctuate in order to buy low and sell high. If the prices never vary by much, there's no profit to be made. Another trend of some sellers is to target the uninformed, the stupid, and the impatient buyers. These sellers blanket a market with items, filling several pages in the AH, and priced at double and triple their average value. Almost none of it sells, but it overwhelms the better priced posts and the seller makes a large profit on the small number that do get bought. For Happy, that's a mixed bag. Happy doesn't like to see his posts overshadowed by hundreds of other posts, but large blocks of highly priced items do tend to raise the average price of the item, allowing Happy to raise his own prices - assuming the items are selling. Happy is doing what he does best, though. He has been branching out, adding more items to his inventory, and the gold is still coming in, just not at the level Wild and his gold hungry family is used to.

Philly got in her nightly foray to the Isle for her dailies (soloing there can be done with one hand :-) ) and DINGED! to level 72.

I'm not sure what's in store for Friday night. I'll have to wait and see how "the hand" feels.

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