Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tuesday (29 Sep) - JB Still Has The Stage

Tuesday (29 Sep) - JB Still Has The Stage

Note:Forgot to post this yesterday. Wednesday's post will follow. :-)

The two raid leaders for our ten man group are still out and it appears that there will be no raiding on Tues/Thurs until that changes. Wild and P-Jo were the only two to show up. Wild did his dailies and hung around until around 7:30pm, when JB took over.

Things are looking a little better for the Wednesday 25 man. There are 20 sign ups, with six confirmed healers and two DPS who could heal if needed. That's still five short, but it's better than being 9-10 short, which has been the norm for the past couple weeks.

JB tossed a three sided coin and it came up Grizzly Hills as her next destination, a level 73-75 zone of heavy forests, lakes and streams. JB had also considered the lower level zones of Howling Fjord and Dragonblight, but elected to skip over them in the hopes of getting more useful quest rewards.

So far, with 20 quests completed in Grizzly Hills, JB has been tantalized with quests rewards "almost" good enough to keep, but the gear still gets trumped by the Auction House blues that JB has been quick to snap up. JB has not been slowed at all by the higher level mobs she is now facing. Where that will get important is when the quests involving elites turn up.

No really exciting quests so far, although JB did save a hunter's life. We were both up on a snow swept mountain battling robot defenders. JB had completed her current quest and had taken flight to move on to the next quest when the sounds of frantic combat could be heard below her. Swooping down, JB saw a level 73 hunter with an ape pet out. The tanking pet must have not held aggro because two elementals were sending slashing attacks into the hunter's face as he tried to get some range to use his bow. It wasn't working, though, and the hunter's health fell below 20% as JB landed behind the elementals.

JB cast two heals on the hunter, which did not draw enough aggro to pull the elementals off of the hunter. The elementals are immune to JB's Lightning Bolt, so it was Flame Shock plus Lava Burst. That outright killed one of the elementals and the other went down under the hunter's renewed attack immediately afterward. JB got a very sincere Thank You! from the hunter, and then went on her way.

JB is now 43% of the way to level 77.

One interesting side note is the ongoing comparison JB is going to make between her and Wild on how many quests each complete in the Northrend zones. Wild has only passing interest in Achievements, so the number of quests means nothing to him - but JB intends to rag on him about it anyway.

For Borean Tundra, JB completed all 150 of 150 quests - Wild completed 86.

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