Saturday, October 17, 2009

Weekend Bulletin (17 Oct) - The Freezing of Hell and Stuff

Weekend Bulletin (17 Oct) - The Freezing of Hell and Stuff

Through some weird juxtaposition in time and space, JB found herself at Nessingway's Camp in Sholazar Basin on Saturday afternoon. She was out of quests in Zul'Drak, unable to figure out how to access the last set of quests that she knew were there but couldn't acquire. There was the conquest pit in Grizzly Hills, full of elite uglies, if JB wanted to go back there again. But she already had the Grizzly Hills quest achievement, and she was saving the pit so that she and DER could get bloody together.

JB was not ready to embarrass herself in the Jousting ring on a weekend full of players getting their dailies done, so that was out as well. JB did her two dailies from Dalaran, the fishing and cooking ones, and upon completion of the cooking one she was standing next to an npc who was offering a free ride to Sholazar Basin. Ok, well, why not?

Once there, she did a couple of small quests which were required so that she could get the flight path working at Nessingway's, then she took a "go there" quest that for some reason Wild never got, and discovered a horde base in Sholazar Basin that I never knew existed, called Landing . . . something or other. Oh well, she has the flight path there now.

After that, she picked three very strangely familiar quests. They were simple kill quests, for 15 dinosaurs, 15 sabretooth cats, and a third quest to get 60 beast kills. Now I know that Red has never been to Sholazar Basin, but for some reason JB felt his presence and encouragement as she tracked and slew beast after beast.

It was twilight when she finished the three quests, although the strangeness persisted and it seemed to JB that it was both much later and much earlier. She turned in two quests, leaving only the cat quest to go. For the first time JB noticed her xp bar, which was sitting at 99% of the way to level 80.

She stood at the quest giver and as she turned in her quest, she could all but see Wildshard's hand passing a quest in parallel with her.

Jezzibael DINGED! to level 80. She felt a congratulatory pat on the back as Wild faded from the scene, and heard a faint /cheer! in the air that might have been Red.

Wildshard was far from Sholozar Basin when JB hit level 80, but he felt it happen nonetheless. It brought back memories of that special moment for him: It was late Saturday night, which at some point had gone past midnight into early sunday morning, the ground lit by the moon, a very tired Red still in game, encouraging Wild to keep at it.

And then turning in that last quest - the cat quest in Sholozar Basin.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on 80 JB!!! DER and JB will still get together to knock out the chain in the Grizzly Hills just because it is fun and decent money! Plus it is really quick! Don't forget about the wrathgate chain!!! :P
