Friday, September 11, 2009

Posts for Week of 7 Sep 2009

Since I know folks have been having a hard time getting access the SN forums, I am reposting this week's entries for each day. I will also add new posts for the content that I haven't been able to get posted on the SN forums.

Quiet Monday (7 Sep) for the Wild family.

JB maintained her routine of Dailies, and even added a 10th Kel'Danas daily as well as the Shattrath fishing daily. The xp haul moved JB 55% of the way to level 74. She also finished the remaining quests on the Hellfire Peninsula to get to Honored rep with Thrallmar. The quests were no contest for JB as the most difficult mob she faced was a level 63 elite. There is a nice shoulder enchant at Thrallmar Revered rep, but JB will have to run Shattered Halls many times to get there. That's unlikely, and the level 70 dungeon can't be easily soloed.

JB continues to amass rep with the Shattered Sun Offensive. It will take a week more of dailies to reach Exalted, the highest level. There are a lot of nice jewelcrafting recipes at that level, and JB is considering giving up Herbalism to become a Jewelcrafter, along with her already maxed out Alchemy profession. Mel is a Jewelcrafter, fairly low level, but with her high speed DK mount it might be better for her to fast level herbalism instead. The two women are discussing it.

A bored Wildshard noted that he was one daily quest short of achieving Revered with Shattered Sun, so he took a trip out there and did one easy bombing run. It doesn't get him anything, but it was something to do. Wild has also decided to pick up the Heroic daily quest when he logs on each day. That way he'll at least already have it in his quest log if an opportunity comes up to get in a group. Yesterday it was the Ulduar 5 man called Halls of Stone. Wild has never been inside that dungeon. Unfortunately, he wasn't around enough to get in on a group, either.

Wild offered to make the spidersilk gear that EZ wanted (I told you he was bored), since Wild is a Tailor and has both those patterns. Sorry, erik, Wild used up the Spider's Silk that Mel had farmed for the other day. I may send her back out to the Arathi Highlands again to farm some more. On Mel's fierst trip she made two complete circuits of the Highlands and got 13 Spider's silk. The drop rate is low, but it didn't take all that long.

Speaking of EZ, she considered joining Myst, Ando, and Laodike in Shadowfang Keep Monday night, but since she already has [Girdle of the Blindwatcher], there isn't really anything left in there that she needs. I hope Ando and/or Lao got the belt.

EZ is still working on her gear, using the Armory link provided of that level 19 twink as a working guide. That toon has a Heirloom item that does not seem to be listed correctly in the Armory. No way that shoulder will have +50 spellpower on it at level 19. By adding all the other spellpower stats (43) and subtracting from the listed total (64), it appears that the heirloom grants +23 spellpower. That's still a huge advantage. The highest spellpower shoulder I can find that's usable by a level 19 is [Feline Mantle] with +2 spellpower. I obviously made a huge mistake getting a trinket heirloom instead of those shoulders.

Gearing up EZ was a lot easier when I thought she would actually be a melee shaman. In truth she is elemental, despite the talents.

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