Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday (21 Sep) - A Bagful of Notes

Monday (21 Sep) - A Bagful of Notes

One note on the weekend - JB DINGED! to level 74 and did the small quest chain which granted her access to Dalaran, the central city on the continent of Northrend. JB set her hearth and did her first cooking daily from Dalaran. She had to pass on the fishing daily, though, as she would have had to enter the pvp zone of Wintergrasp - at level 74 she would have been quickly killed and corpse camped big time. JB also did a pretty severe cleaning out of her gear bags and bank. Eighteen pieces of gear, long past any possible use to JB, were vendored. JB's enchancement gear set was lovingly stored in the bank instead of in her bags. That clears up a lot of space, increasing the room in JB's carry around bags from 25 to 44. JB also rediscovered her Murloc Costume, acquired two years ago when I attended Blizzcon. At the time the costume was soulbound to JB alone. With some changes since then, the costume is now account bound - and Wild is asking for it.

JB is currently working through the quests in the Borean Tundra. They are a little under her level, but that helps get them done faster.

JB is 20% of the way to level 75.

Note #2: Wild sent a PM to guild leadership monday morning regarding the boots pattern that he still has not received: "Hey Rh, sorry to bug you once again in regard to the recipe for Boots of Wintry Endurance. I know the guild likes to present such things prior to raids, but seriously, I asked for the runed orbs and the pattern on 8 Aug, six weeks ago. How many raids since then could I have been wearing them? Feral druid, who is a leatherworker, is ready to make them the instant I provide him the pattern. I have the mats, the enchant, and the gems. Please, could you just mail it to me?

Your friend with the tattered Rainey's Chewed Boots,

Wild heard back from Rh the same day, acknowledging the mix up and that twice they planned to present the pattern to Wild at raids where we did not get enough raiders to run. The pattern will be sent to Wild through the in game mail. I hope Wild has it in time for Tuesday night's raid.

Note #3: The Wild Family, after much consideration, has invited several current and former guildie friends to view and participate in the Wild Family Tales blog. Welcome!

Note #4: Ando and Mel powered their way through the Deadmines Monday night, doing a quick clear and getting Ando some final pieces of twink gear for the level 19 bracket. The power hitting and healing druid now sports such a massive amount of spell power I believe she'll be listed as a potential cause of global warming. ;-)

Ando and EZ plowed through five Warsong Gulch matches on Monday night, winning four of them. EZ is still learning the craft of melee pvp to complement her spell and totem casting, but her footwork is improving and she stayed among the top 2-3 in total damage as well as in killing blows. Ando led every match in total healing, keeping the rest of the team alive and chasing those flags. Alliance hunters who made a point to try to stop Ando's healing by sending their pet to get into Ando's face found EZ in their face. Pet forgotten, the hunter either fled or died. We are still allowing xp to gained in these matches, but will be moving up to full twink battlegrounds soon.

EZ also wanted to thank Ando for the duels in between the WSG matches, which let EZ work on things where she is still having trouble.

Note #5: Tuesday morning maintenance became a patch day, with the release of patch 3.2.2. The big news in this patch is that the pre-expansion single boss encounter with the dragon Onyxia has been scaled into a level 80 encounter in 10 and 25 player versions. It's the same fun fight, according to the patch notes, and what I really like is that some of the the loot drops are the same as the level 60 loot, only scaled up for level 80s. The Brood Mother will also be dropping a very rare 310% speed mount. Let the grinding begin!

Note #6: Finally, the guild website is currently suspended. That usually means a mix up in payments, and I expect it to be back up quickly.


  1. Always a fun read Wild!! Look forward to keep on checking this out.

    -Sinrock (Death Knight)
    aka Kagam (Hunter)
    aka Dragorr (Meatshield)

  2. Hey Drag, Welcome! Thanks for checking it out!
