Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Rugged Road Home

The Rugged Road Home

Wildshard's adventures are nothing compared to the last four weeks of real life adventure for our real family. Our three week family round trip from California to Virginia and North Carolina and back again was both fun and exhausting. We returned on 14 November. Right before we left on the trip my computer failed. Dead. Kaput. Of course I had backups of important stuff. Now I'm trying to put everything else back together, stuff that I didn't think to backup that turned out to be more important than I thought. Email addresses, for one. So here is a shout out to my readers. Please comment on this post with your email address or send an email to me directly ( so I can re-connect with ya'll.

Since you are reading this you know I've gotten the new computer up, but I'm a long way from being back to normal. World of Warcraft is up and running, including the latest expansion, Warlords of Draenor. However, all of the addons, displays, etc, are gone and I'm having to rebuild everything from memory. Happyface is back and running the Auction House, but the rest are still bare bones.

I'll be updating my other blogs as well. If you are interested in the progress of my novel please check out I should have an update soon.


  1. I see you moved back here. I wondered where you had got off to.

  2. Hi Martin! I've been busy with my novel writing and WoW took a long back seat. With the new WoW expansion I'll be more active.
