Saturday, October 12, 2013

Rolo's Riddle

Rolo's Riddle

Rolo's Riddle is a Timeless Isle quest. There are three parts to it. Like a scavenger hunt, each part requires finding a hidden treasure chest. I kept hearing how hard the quest was, and how awesome the final reward for completing it. Wild was very excited when he found the quest in a pile of dirt. Part one started Wild off easy, and he found the treasure quickly. Wild got a little gold for his effort, and then he was off on part two. Wild had no trouble locating the second treasure chest, either, but there was a catch. There is a spot on the Isle where there is a very concentrated group of level 91/92 elites. They are quite nasty and attack in groups if you wander into their midst. Wild found that out the hard way when he first visited the Isle. The treasure chest was at the far back of that area. Wild thought he was being clever when he first tried to reach the chest by swimming around to the back. Sorry, but the raised area was too steep to climb. So, Wild went back around to the front, shifted into cat form, became invisible, and walked right through the lot of them to the chest. They never suspected a thing. Wild collected a few more gold for finding the second chest. He could have slipped into the water and avoided another walk through the elites . . . no way, Wild brazenly slipped back through their ranks without any problems.

The third and final part of the quest is the most interesting and challenging. That final chest is on the grassy shore of a high mountain lake that can't be reached on foot or ground mount. Since flying mounts aren't allowed on the Isle, that left them out, too. Those who have the means to slow fall or other method of not DYING when falling from high places can use a trick to get there. It involves swimming far enough away from the Isle to be able to fly again, then rise VERY high up and use a slow fall method of some kind to glide close enough to land in or near the lake. Wild tried that method twice, hoping his cat form's built in damage buffer and a spell called barkskin that hardens him against the landing would suffice. Two tries were enough. Wild could not glide well enough to reach the lake. At least he only killed himself once in the two tries.

The other method sounded like the most fun. Here's how it works. Wild took up a position near the Celestial Court where seagulls occasionally fly relatively close to the ground. It took some waiting, but eventually a gull glided past close enough for Wild to attack it. After hitting it, the annoyed bird flew down, grabbed Wild, and carried him up into the sky. Cool! The gull tracked along the Isle, roughly following the path that leads to the higher elevations of the island. There is a treasure chest on two tall spires of rock that the seagull passes over. Wild saw the first chest, and was tempted to try to retrieve it, but instead let the gull continue on it's way. Completing the quest was the first priority. The seagull flies around pretty slowly, so it's a good chance to get a real bird's eye view other parts of the island.

Eventually, the seagull came over the lake. Wild began attacking the gull again, and as long as Wild kept banging on the gull, it stayed in place. Stop hitting it and it would try to fly away. Wild soon killed the gull, and began to fall into the lake. Wild probably didn't need to slip into cat form or use his barkskin, but it didn't hurt, either, and Wild survived the fall with no damage at all. Wild found the third treasure and completed the quest. While up there, Wild found a pet battle pet that he didn't have and captured it. There are some more unique pets up there Wild will be after some other time. A special elite also spawns in that lake, and Wild had a chance to take it on. What the heck, might as well. It didn't go well for Wild, but it was fun trying. After resurrecting, Wild collected his reward - a chest with appropriate gear for the spec - ie, for Wild, a leather healing item. What he got was yet another pair or i496 bracers, which neither Wild nor Fist have any need of. So, very fun quest, very poor reward. That said, Wild went back to the Celestial Court, caught a ride with another seagull, and soon collected two more prizes from the other treasure chests. Lucky Fist. An i496 leather shoulders dropped, and with that equipped Fist's ilevel reached i483, beating Wild's i481.

Wild has just over 21,000 timeless coins. He's still working to get the 50,000 needed for the trinket he wants. Wild is trying to pick up the pace -  with the help of the major league baseball playoffs, I can watch the games and play on the Timeless Isle at the same time. Although Wild isn't always certain who is rooting for who when the cheering starts.

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