Monday, October 21, 2013



Late Saturday night Wild was both drunk and bored, a very bad combination. Wild's first thought was to head over to the Timeless Isle, but in his current condition those level 90 elites would tear him into little pieces. Fist didn't fancy having to put him back together and warned him she'd feed him to the sharks if he turned up at the Isle.

Wild wandered around Orgrimmar looking for trouble, and wound up on a blimp headed - well, he wasn't quite sure. The captain tossed him off his boat in Stranglethorn Vale. Some time later Wild found himself at the entrance to Blackrock Mountain, and once inside, to the entrance to Blackwing Lair. Seeing where he was going, I got the screen video capture program going, but my latest tryout failed miserably. The sample video was terrible using a program called SMRecorder.

Wild didn't really care that much. He just wanted to kill things. He was disappointed that the first boss, Razorgore, was already dead, having forgotten he'd killed the dragon a few days ago. No matter, BWL has lots of dragons. And so it began. The second boss in BWL is Vaelestraz. Wild found the dragon to be whiny and he pleaded with Wild to do the deed and kill him off. In Wild's bleary past he was always up on the second floor overlooking Vael's lair; now he was at ground zero. Vael rambled on so long Wild almost dozed off, but at last the dragon was ready and Wild killed him. Forgetting a little spell called Burning Adrenaline, Wild stayed around a little too long and died of stupidity when the spell fried him.

There are five more encounters Wild faced before getting to the final boss. Wild's favorite was the Broodlord suppression chamber. Saddled with devices that slowed him to a crawl, Wild slow motioned around blasting the thousands of creatures that descended on him. It took a very long time, but he finally came out the other end half buried in goo.

Then there were the mobs guarding three more dragons. The dragons were easy, but there these really pesky mages that had the audacity to be IMMUNE to Wild's ranged attacks. So Wild shifted into cat form and purred as he cut them into ribbons. Those mages weren't immune to claws and teeth.

Wild feared the Chromagous encounter back in his level 60 days. Chromagous is the last boss before meeting the baddest of the dragons, Nefarion. Wild needed maybe ten seconds to kill Chromagous.

Wild entered the area where Nefarian will appear. Wild has been there before, though he never killed Nefarian as a level 60. Wild did get his kill, though, with a group of 13 players. I don't recall what level they were at the time, probably our 70s, but we had a blast tearing through BWL and taking on Nefarian. It wasn't an easy fight, and only two players survived the final encounter, one of which was Wild. I'll have to dig up that post. Anyway, as a level 90 not even Nefarian had a chance. Nefarian did force Wild into cat form several times, but that barely slowed Wild down. Wild got his kill.

On Sunday morning Wild found an old friend. FRAPS is the screen capture program I originally used to capture video footage from the screen. I'd forgotten what that program was called until I stumbled over it looking for similar programs. In some limited testing FRAPS worked great. Very good, crisp video with smooth movement. Even better, the company still had my registration on file and the upgrade to their current edition was free. Can't argue with that.

I may send a hopefully more sober Wild back into BWL after the reset to get the video done. And if anyone would like to come along we could make shorter work of that suppression room.

I still haven't found the original video I shot back in, well, 2007 sometime I think. I don't have the posts before 2009 in the blog. I do have those earlier posts, but finding where I archived them will take some digging. One of these days I'll copy them into the blog . . .

Here is a couple of dates. Wild earned his BWL attunement by completing UBRS on 19 June, 2006. He made his first BWL raid with a group of forty level 60s two months later, on 12 August 2006. I was visiting family on the east coast, and I bought my Mom a new computer for Christmas just so I could use her old one for WoW. How's that for commitment? 

In the never say never category, I ran across this quote while looking up those dates: Wildshard, on 19 June 2006: "... I can't see me ever spending enough time to get another toon all the way to 60."

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