Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday - (11 Jan) Life Goes On

Wednesday - (11 Jan) Life Goes On

Wild's confidence that the second guild raid group is ever going to be viable again has diminished week by week to the point of wishful thinking. Wild can no longer hope that Bd will suddenly re-emerge from his many real life issues and again lead our raid. Lady Hunter has again taken over the helm, scheduling raids for the past last three weeks. The response has been tepid at best and not enough raiders have showed up to actually raid. This week looks to be more of the same - there are many signed up as "tentative" but only two Accepted the raid invite. Wild wasn't there Wednesday night as we have a dinner engagement. Wild will dutifully appear on Thursday, but there is little hope that a raid will be run. On the other hand, The Mf/G1 group continues to field a raid Mon/Tues each week. On Tuesday they finally killed the second boss in Dragon Soul, Yor'sahj the Unsleeping. Wild cheered when he saw that, as he wants them to succeed. Wild's personal raid wishes remain unfulfilled. Wild hasn't heard back from the MM guild, which, as reported last week, is merging with another guild to improve their raiding team. Wild expressed interest in being a part of that, but my gut says it won't happen. There are deep rifts between MM and MM2. Wild might be welcomed personally by MM, but, as part of the cabal in MM2, seeming to court Wild could spark drama that MM wants no part of. Wild was also stunned when he checked the MM website, trying to get more info on the merger. I was able to find my login information and Wild still had access to the site. It's a dead site. At least the forums are dead. There hasn't been a post on that site since Jan of 2011, and Wild has access to the Private forums as well as the public ones. MM has a new Guild Master, too, Ld, who I know. The old GM, Wb, is still in the guild as the #2. My best guess is that the guild known as MM will not survive the merger. Either the merged guilds will use the other guild's name, or they will start a new guild with a fresh name. I'll be watching both Ld and Wb to see if their guild name changes.

Wild's troubles are good news for JB, who has been getting lots of in game time. JB has kept Happy content by earning gear upgrades through questing and rep rewards without incurring heavy costs. So far. JB's melee gear is now at i338, a remarkable accomplishment for her. There is no longer any reason JB shouldn't be taking on normal Cata dungeons to gain group experience, practice her arts, and learn the dungeons on normal mode to be prepared for Heroics. JB says she's not yet ready. She wants gear that are high enough quality it's worth the cost to enchant them. Enchants are expensive; even the many that Wild can make himself have high mat costs these days. JB hasn't reached the rep to get a head enchant, yet, either. Good reasons, or just excuses?

JB keeps checking the AH, too, for gear bargains, but they have been hard to come by. It's a bit frustrating. Wild, being a healer, is always on the lookout for good bargains as well. The druid healer gear is always a lot more expensive that the feral gear (the +agi gear). With JB it is just the opposite. The shaman healing gear is very cheap compared to the +agi melee gear; but it's the agi gear that JB needs. Sigh.

As chance would have it, Thursday morning a pair if i359 agi boots popped up on the AH. JB had the 400g to buy it, and buy it she did. That was an upgrade from an i312 pair and jumped her gear level to i341. Wow.

Philly has gotten some game time, too. With JB's activity, the family felt it was time for Philly to put some effort into her jewelcrafting to defray some of those costs. Philly is doing her JC dailies now, and has learned both the +40 int gem cut Wild uses most often, and the +40 agi gem cut that JB most needs.

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