Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday, Part 3 (29 Jan) - Once More Through the Wringer

Sunday, Part 3 (29 Jan) - Once More Through the Wringer

JB is a glutton for punishment. JB's Sunday randoms started with Well of Eternity, and some new bosses JB hadn't seen before. The group itself was very dysfunctional, with two players constantly berating each other and the tank. The tank wasn't the greatest, but it was clear that he was doing his best, learning encounters like the rest of us. It's nice to have a super tank who leads us by the nose through the dungeon, but they get to be that good getting practice when they're not. We wiped three times over the course of the run. One DPSer who was obviously struggling was razzed so bad he quit the group. We also had a healer leave, but got a better one in return.

After wiping twice on the final boss, Murozond, the loudmouths wanted to kick the tank, but JB and the healer wouldn't agree and he stayed. JB encouraged the tank by saying that we had this fight, just hold that bad boy in place. That was the problem. Nasty things were happening all around us, Murozond is deadly both in front and behind, and we needed the tank to hold him steady so the dragon wouldn't swivel and breath fire on us from whichever end faced us.

We got him on the third try. [Arrow of Time] dropped, an i378 +agi trinket. JB rolled Need on it, but it was won by the healer, who happened to be a shaman. Ninety-nine percent of the time the group would just disband and JB would lose the drop. This time, though, the healer shaman hung around snd said "What the hell do I need this arrow thing for?" He passed it over to JB. Nice guy. JB wanted to kiss him.

That said, shaman hate this trinket, because its Equip proc is haste, more useful for rogues and hunters than enhancement shaman. It does give JB 149 more agi. JB wants to use it, but we'll see. She has a lesser +hit and a lesser +exp set of trinkets that might be better to use. So far JB won't let go of her Arrow.

Last word on the weekend - JB was in game for - drum roll, please - BD'S return to the game! Our wayward guild leader and G2 raid leader popped in game Sunday night. He and JB joined a Baradin Hold run together. He says he is back and will be raiding with us this week. Woot! Bd also congratulated JB on reaching level 85 and was astonished she was already doing Baradin Hold. JB didn't tell him she'd snuck into BH even before she started doing Twilight Heroics. By the way, JB's gear score is now i360.

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