Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday (9 Mar) - Gold on the table

Wednesday (9 Mar) - Gold on the table

With both JB and Philly working on their professions and Wild directing the acquisition of waves cards, Happy's coffers have been under assault, putting a strain on the finances. Philly, to her credit, has largely self- financed her professions push through glyph sales and the sale of the many rings and necklaces she has to make as part of leveling jewelcrafting. The rings/necklaces sell slowly because every other leveling JCer out there are making the same things, but over time most of them should sell - or wind up with Wild to disenchant for mats that he could use. JB spent a good part of her in game time on Tuesday farming herbs that Philly also needs for milling. The easiest place to farm is Mount Hyjal, and JB gets a kick out of the fact that she gets more experience farming a flower than she does killing the various mobs that try to stop her. JB turned level 83 primarily from flower picking. JB is being so helpful to Philly because, of course, they're sisters, but also because if Philly can level up her JC a bit more she can make JB a new pair of i333 weapons to dual wield. Oh, and JB is considering Vash'jir to continue leveling and herb farming. Vash'jir is a starting zone for level 80s, so she'll not get much out of that zone gear-wise, but at level 83 she should be able to crunch through pretty smoothly while taking the time to farm herbs that I hear are abundant in this zone. That should get her to level 84, which she needs in order to start questing in the highest level cata zone, Twilight Highlands. Or Uldum, which Wild says was a fun zone to quest in.

Philly's journey to transition to cata has run into a strange kind of snag - bag space. She still has huge amounts of materials from pre-cata days, all of it useful, but none of it of any immediate use. Her two professions, by their nature, require a lot of bag space to hold various things, and Philly has been having to swap bags in and out of her bank to work her professions or to farm and quest. Add to that that she has a lot of cata level gear waiting for her to level up to use them - but I don't foresee her doing much leveling until JB gets to 85. Deth's departure opened a spot for a new toon, so that might be the relief valve for Philly. Something will have to give.

For once things are quiet on the guild front. The new MM2 guild is growing slowly, now up to 124 members and 49 level 85s, and achieving guild level 2. There haven't been any new defections from MM for a couple days now. The Thursday raid that had still been on the MM calendar was cashiered on Tuesday, and MM2 did not schedule a weekday raid this week. Wild is signed up for the MM raid with the Fn group for Friday night. It was nice to see that Rs signed up for the raid, too. Rs is one of the two tanks in the Fn group, but who I thought would have jumped to MM2 by now since he's in Wild's self described cabal of close friends. He's still in MM, at least for now. MM2 did schedule a Saturday afternoon raid in the Four Winds, which would not conflict with the Fn group since we are going to be raiding BWD. Wild signed up as tentative since Saturday raiding is always a bit iffy for me.

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