Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tuesday (1 Mar) - The Fissure Widens But Holds

Tuesday (1 Mar) - The Fissure Widens But Holds

News as it happens! After the Tuesday morning maintenance was done I made the rounds of the MM Website (all was quiet), private messages (no new ones) and checked to see the state of the guild.

The state of the guild is that it is lighter by a few now former members. The new guild, which I am dubbing MM2 because the name of the new guild is the same as the old, only spelled in the Old Norse language. I thought that was pretty clever. Sh gets points for inventiveness. MM2 has 54 members including 20 level 85s. There are some players I wish had stayed with MM. There are a few hedging their bets by keeping their main in MM but moving an 85 alt into MM2. But on the whole most of Wild's long time friends are still in MM. So far.

Just for comparison MM has 116 level 85s even after last night's exodus and even counting all five of our guild leader's level 85 alts. The guild rankings have changed slightly. We have a very simple system. GL + rank 1 (GL's alts), rank 2 for officers (there are only 3), rank 4 for "Sisters" (14) and rank 5 for "Brothers" (75). Ranks 4 and 5 are the same level, and was established simply to track mains. Rank 3 is the newer rank, intending to identify "raiders" from the rest of the guild to make raid invites easier. Wild is one of a select company of 6 in that rank right now (10 if the GL and the 3 officers are counted). That really shows how little response the GL got on his raiding question. Lower ranks 6/7 are for recruits and players that are not playing or haven't been seen in a long time.

The questions now are (1) how many more are going to bail, (2) what is the small cabal that Wild is part of going to do, and (3) what's the next step by the GL?

Swishhh .... Philly's robes rustled and flowed like a swift moving stream as she pushed her way to center stage. Philly has not been happy standing in the background, puttering about on the fringes of things. She keeps getting asked about this gem, or that glyph. JB has taken the brunt of her frustration since JB wants to do alchemy transmutes for high end gems and Philly hasn't been given the time to move her JC past skill 460.

The frustration boiled over Tuesday afternoon when she decided to do some ore prospecting to build up her gem stash so she could actually do some leveling - only to discover she had to get to skill 475 before she could prospect. Grrrr! Philly has gotten modestly rich from her haphazard glyph making, and decided to become determinately poor to pull her JC craft out of the cellar. It's all her money, so Wild and Happy let her go crazy.

Philly does appreciate the gems Sis and Lao have shipped over on occasion, but unlike Wrath where recipes generally needed just one gem, these recipes required multiple gems. There wasn't much either JB or Philly could do with one once they really took a look at what was needed. Philly set out make random stat rings as the quickest way to get from skill 460 to 475. She had planned to actually make useful gems instead of rings, but gem making turned green at skill 467, and left only rings (or a necklace, which even Philly balked at the mat costs for that). What gems Philly did make should be in the bank soon (the +30 gems, not the +40, which have to go to JB for the transmute). Just as an aside, JB is annoyed that all her tramsmutes - gems, volatiles, ores, etc are all on the same cooldown, making transmutes a horribly slow process.

Philly got to skill 475 and spent a good slug of gold on four stacks of elementium ore. For about 260g worth of ore Philly prospected 19 cata green gems and 4 blue gems, which wasn't too bad. If Philly were selling what she prospected for she'd actually make a profit. Happy will watch the AH for her and start picking up elementium ore so she can continue to prospect.

PS - For you ore miners out there, I'd be happy to buy your elementium ore instead of someone else's if you happen to be farming it. I don't have a miner at a high enough level to do that myself.

In the meantime, at skill 475 the daily JC quest also opened up for Philly, and that's where things got more complicated. The daily JC quest is important because completing them rewards a special item used as currency to buy JC recipes that Philly can't get from a trainer. Of course, these quests require Philly to go out into the new zones of cata. Philly is still a level 80, in pre-cata gear. Which creates an interesting situation on multiple levels.

Currently JB is my priority for leveling my next 85, and she gets the account bound benefits that Wild has as a level 85 (along with all the other toons on that account). Philly, though, is on the other account, but since there are no level 85s on this account, there is no access to account bound items (other than the pvp ones and ones I maneuvered over there through character transfers). Philly, being in the MM guild, would also provide access to more account bound items for her and the other toons if she leveled to 85, and of course would be skilling up her JC and glyph professions as well. Poor Philly - I really would rather level JB. No final decision has been made, though.

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