Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday (28 Sep) - Silly Java

Tuesday (28 Sep) - Silly Java

Java got a lot of time in game on Tuesday, but wasn't able to accomplish much. After growing up in the Draenie starting area and then leaving Bloodmyst Isle for the big city of Exodar, Java stopped exploring. Instead, he mostly hung around Exodar and used the dungeon finder and pvp battleground battlemaster to teleport instantly to those areas and then back to Exodar. Java was travel savvy enough to find Auberdine and the main shipping port, which gave Java access to most of the Alliance major cities. That came in handy when he needed to find a weapons trainer to teach Java how to use the fine new axe he got from Blackfathom Deeps.

Java's gear set is coming along nicely courtesy of those BFD runs Monday night, but he had one major hole in his gear - Java had no trinkets. Low level trinkets are fairly rare and generally have to be acquired via questing or purchased with pvp honor points. Since Java had a few hundred honor points gathering fuzz in his bags, that seemed to be his best bet. The problem was that he didn't know where to go or who to see to buy them from.

Of course, all the Wild family knows where to get pvp gear for the Horde. The Hall of Legends in Orgrimmar is the primary location. However, that services only the higher level players. Lower level players that want to buy gear from battlegrounds like Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin must actually go to the entrance to those battlegrounds and talk to the gear merchants there. Again, for Horde, that would be a small outpost near the border between the Barrens and Ashenvale (for WSG), and the outpost of Hammerfall in the Arathi Highlands (for AB).

Researching where the pvp gear merchants for the Alliance are located was pretty frustrating. Even posts where that specific question was posed talked all around it and never provided a clear answer. Eventually Java made the trip from Exodar to Stormwind City to visit the Alliance equivalent of the Halls of Legend. Unfortunately it was TOO much like the Horde counterpart, as only higher level gear was available.

The first glimmer of hope actually came from another Horde player posting on an alliance thread. Supposedly the location of the WSG and AB entrances for the Alliance can be found somewhere near Astranaar (a small town in Ashenvale) and at the Alliance town of Refuge Point in the Arathi Highlands. I say again that Java got this information from a Horde player. Ok, I will admit that Java could just ask the question in trade chat, but that seemed a bit like cheating; plus, Java didn't want to deal with all the grief and dis-information he'd probably get from the parasites that spend their day dissing people who post there.

Java will attempt to search those places out, but will have to do that on foot and ground mount since he has not yet learned the many flight path points required to connect to those areas. All that time cloistered in Exodar has really limited his options.

Java figures he can get to Astranaar via Auberdine, so that will be his next step. More to follow.

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