Saturday, September 15, 2018

Island Expedition and Other Things

Keya Matches Java

Given full rein by Tiphaine, Mahakeya has made blistering progress. She is now iLevel 116, the same as Java. Her gear score is i242.

There is a bit of sadness as well as frustration. The sadness comes from the fact that the legendary shoes "The Sentinel's Eternal Refuge" may be retired soon. The i240 shoes have competition with a drop "Anglin' Arts Treads" at i245 that also sports fishing skill. Keya loves her fishing. The rub is that her current legiondary shoes also has a special gadget - with every kill Java increases her speed up to five times. Keya can't give that up, so the legendary will remain in service. For now.

It does warrant a comment. Keya has always had a leg up (get it?) by earning two legendary pieces of gear far earlier than anyone else in the family, plus her fishing legendary. All of that was earned, but still, it kept her ahead of the rest, gear-wise. She no longer has that advantage.

Java, who reached iLevel 116 BEFORE Keya, should be given a chance to step ahead of Keya. But Keya is so much fun she'll get special treatment. At least until the rest of the family start thinking about murder.

Island Expedition and Other Things

Keya set sail from the docks at on a expedition to an island to collect more goodies needed for the war effort. It was a fast sail and assault. Keya ripped through the unprepared islanders. They never had a chance. There was no leveling, but Keya did increase her War Resources. She has 286 (max is 300). Keya still can't figure out how to use it, though.

Hey! Yells Keya! Why is Java's picture on MY comments!?
Tiphaine weighed in. Because Java was first to iLevel 116. Keya, you were second. Get over it.

Keya smoulders. She's utterly tired with Boralus. How can she get back to the other lands out there? Okay, so she went back to Vol'Dun. In Zandalar. Shatterstone Harbor is dead. Well, everything out in that wasteland is level 120 and nodbody was carrying any quests to follow.

There's a flight path - but it only goes to one place - The Sancuary of the Devoted. She's been there, too, but maybe something has changed. There are only these two flight paths. So, the enemy is still battling, but not against Keya, unless she gets in the way. Again, there is nothing to do and nowhere to go. Sigh. Nazmir is a dud, too. Keya will have to go back to Boralus and try again.

Oh wait. I forgot about Fort Victory. On the other side of the coast. Been there, Nasty place. But I bet there are quests. DOT DOT DOT ... Nope, no quests. Looks like Keya will go exploring.

PS - One thing concerns Keya in these island worlds. She had left the shelter of the Flight Path and trotted out to see what there was to see in the neighborhood. She decided to test her strength against a lone, i120 critter that grinned evily at her. Keya struck. Five minutes later Keya had stopped trying to kill it and was struggling to keep it from killing her. For the first time in recent memory, Keya had to flee. And the critter wasn't even an elite. Sobering.

Keya moved on to other things that still included killing. She spent way too much time on an island heavily populated with mechanical monsters that seemed to spawn as fast as they could be killed. After awhile she more or less gave up with her quests still unfulfilled. At least she was still in the world of Boralas and not in some far away world.

Burial of a Weapon. Keya tends to say prayers over her special weapons and gear, particularly when she knows she'll miss them. She weeped over a burial recently, this time over her Legendary Cinidaria, the Simbiote, a level 240 waist. Her replacement is an i271 belt that raised her gear score to i248. Keya has only two major pieces of gear to upgrade, a 225 shoulder piece which Keya can't seem to find a replacement for yet, and her beloved Aldrachi Warblades, which are rated only 212.
The good part is her determination to reach the next goal.

She is 36% of the way to level 117.

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