Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Playing Catch-Up (Part One)

Playing Catch-Up (Part One)

Tiphaine thought she had things under control when the battle for Azeroth swept across the world. She has to admit that she lost control of the process and is now mostly on the sideline. Tiphaine isn't that concerned about the progress of individual players. Java is proving to be a strong candidate to reach the pinnacle of level 120. That said, Java still has a long ways to go.

Tiphaine has her own struggles, a problem within the guild itself. The guild has been static for years. No new members, no lost members . . .  an unchanging guild. But somewhere, somewhen, something did happen. The guild became frozen in place, or at least it seems to be.

Tiphaine didn't see a problem . . . not at first. She saw the Autumn Green Tea Guild proudly displaying it's Exalted reputation, including the Guild's Renowned Guild Tabard.

Tiphaine saw Java running around without the tabard and ordered Java to claim her own. The tabard grants 100% guild reputation gains. That has to be worth something. But Java was annoyed when Tiphaine demanded that she sport the guild tabard.

"I'm too busy," Java proclaimed, but Tiphaine pushed the issue and Java relented. Java teleported to Dalaran and went to the Dalaran Visitor Center to get her tabard. No joy. Tiphaine soon learned that no one in the guild had a guild tabard except her.

"What is going on!" Tiphaine demanded at the Visitor Center. Still angry, she opened the guild. The basics were all laid below:

Guild and Communities
Autumn Tea Green
One of Nine Members
Guild Perks
Guild Rewards

So why is the guild non-functional? Why can't Tiphaine provide guild tabards to the members? No answer has been found yet.

Playing Catch-Up Part Two (Discovering new lands)

So far Tiphaine and Java have made the transition from Stormwind to Boralas. For the rest of the guild, the process goes something like this:

(1) Go to Stormwind. (2) An NPC will approach you with an urgent message. (3) That will trigger the artifact acquisition questline and award an artifact weapon for one spec. (4) Complete the questline.

Wildshard still has to remind the guild every ten minutes that he is NOT in the guild anymore. He is trying to find recruits for his new guild.

Wild took the short route by going directly to Stormwind to take a ship going to Borolas Harbor in Kul Tiras. Once there, he promptly found a tavern, the Snug Harbor Inn. And then he went fishing. So far so good, as far as Wild is concerned. Super easy. Why was this so hard when Java did it? Goons.

Wild declined to mention that he is only 6% into his leveling. Put down that ale and get busy!

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