Monday, July 24, 2017

Suramar is Fun

 Suramar is Fun (And the Quests are Interesting)
Plus "A Determined Chaitee"

Keya redoubled her efforts in Suramar toward earning Pathfinder over the weekend. At first she was cautious, using the disguise she was given and quietly slipping away when the patrols came through. Then she had a couple of missteps and had to kill people. Someone argued with her. The disguise slipped. Keya killed a few more. An elite guard took notice. Keya killed him, too.
Keya tried a different approach. When it was convenient to be in disguise, she used it. When it became a bother, she killed whatever objected her being there. She no longer worried she might die. It wasn't even on her mind. Her massive armor could not be breached and sooner or later anyone or anything that approached her died.

That did present a few problems. People she was trying to save often died in the crossfire. Quests got muddied and she wasted time trying to locate her next goal, often killing the same mobs several times while trying to locate things. Keya is a lot of things, but she tends to jump first and then worry about the consquences later. So her progress with Pathfinder is taking a very winding path.

A Determined Chaitee

The start of the weekend had Chaitee angry. The auction House was turned into a party house and the Auctioneers took the day off. There was a huge boom box up on the stage and everyone was dancing themselves silly. Sure, it was fun for awhile, but come on! Chaitee still needs to get some work done. Update: It's 9am and the party is STILL going on. Another update: It's dinner time and STILL the party remains in full swing. How do you stop this madness! People have jobs! And Chaitee works weekends.

Chaitee eventually had to admit that she wasn't going to get any work done any time soon, if at all. Not at Stormwind. Is there anywhere else she could access an Auction House? Frankly, Chaitee, born and raised at Stormwind, had never thought about the possibility of another Auction House somewhere.

Chaitee asked Keya, who was still around after a long, successful run of AP gathering earlier in the day. Keya has made a few trips to Stormwind from Dalaran and knew there were other Auction Houses. Since Stormwind was out of commission, Keya suggested Ironforge. Dalaran has a portal that goes directly to Ironforge. There was just one problem. Neither Keya or Chaitee knew how to get Level 32 Chaitee to Dalaran.

Keya scratched her head some more. Chaitee was starting to get the shakes, a reaction from being unable to use an Auction House for so long. Her eyes were starting to bulge and her fingers wouldn't stop twitching. Keya got her to calm down a little by suggesting she count her gold. That should keep her busy for a long while.

Keya was getting worried, though, and offered to go to Ironforge herself. Keya would buy and sell on Chaitee's orders. Chaitee was skeptical but desperate. Keya ported to Ironforge. The two started moving goods through mailboxes. Business was light at Ironforge, but those that were around took a good look at Keya and decided to go elsewhere. The two made it work.

The following day the name "Mahakeya" showed up all over the Auction House. Keya liked the mysterious business dealings and fancied herself in the role of Auctioneer. She had a blast and offered to help out Chaitee any time. Chaitee was magnanimous in her praise of Keya for helping out. Keya strode off with her pockets full of jingling gold as well.

So how did the Chaitee/Keya pack do overall? Chaitee pocketed 23,000 gold (18,000 sold by Keya), one of her best nights in some time.

By Sunday the Auction House was back to normal in Stormwind. Chaitee made a lot of gold despite the interruption of AH access. But more importantly, she learned she had other means to access an AH now, should she want or need to use it. Chaitee was ecstatic to learn that Ironforge runs a Deeprun Tram between Stormwind and Ironforge!  Some day she will try it out. For right now, though, getting her AH back in full operation is her priority.

PS - Sunday afternoon Chaitee added 7,500 more gold from stormscale sales, hitting the 900k bar. She's now begun hunting for the million mark.

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