Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Another Aldrachi Warblades Review

Another Aldrachi Warblades Review

Keya periodically comes back to the research on her warblades. Early on she almost gave up when it appeared that her lack of dungeons and raids on her resume meant she could never complete her third relic slot. She isn't so sure of that, anymore, as she learns more about it. Keya has acquired 42 ranks so far (Almond's must be a way higher), and has reached Artifact Knowledge 40. So now when she checks on her research there is a book called Artifact Research Compendium Volumes 1-VII (1-40). I could buy it for 1,000 order resources, but if I read this right I don't need it, since Keya has already reached artifact 40.

The thing that seems strange to me is that both times Keya has had an opportunity to buy one of them, she's already reached that level. I wonder if those are for alts or something? I was reading somewhere that Keya could, for example, buy the compendium for Sista, and Sista could use it to get a large jump start.

As for getting Keya's third relic slot, she now knows what she is up against. Keya is currently working on step 28 of this challenge (which has four parts). Assuming she completes that step, she immediately runs up against another major hurdle.

At step 30 she faces the Vault of the Wardens. A dungeon. Her journey ends there unless she decides to sneak into someones dungeon run and hope no one notices the tanking gear on a demon hunter that is doing DPS. Maybe they won't notice?

At step 39 it gets even worse. Keya would have to collect 15 sovereign souls from legion dungeons. That would require, at minimum, three more dungeon runs.

So Keya's third relic slot will likely remain unfilled. Since she has never been able to use it, and there doesn't seem to be any penalty for not having it activated, Keya is now determined to ignore it.

Or maybe, just maybe, she might try the "can I join your dungeon run as a DPS wearing tanking gear? Please?"  Yea, right. I can hear it now. "You are wearing tank gear and you still keep dying??"

PS - Keya has an interesting thought. Since the accumulation of AP and ranks is an endless procession, Keya is essentially following in Almond's footprints - at great distance, of course - but, still, she persists. Keya is now getting AP in the millions, so she can set goals, such as her first 100 million, and ultimately her first billion, and . . .  well, once Almond retires, Keya might even catch her. Another "Yea, right!"

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