Saturday, February 11, 2017

Getting Some Serious Fishing

Getting Some Serious Fishing

Keya remains determined to earn the Underlight Angler fishing pole. She has seven of the eighteen rare fish that she must catch: Leyshimmy Blenny, Thorned Flounder, Greybelly Lobster, Mountain Puffer, Coldriver Carp, Thundering Stormray, and her latest from Stormheim, Terrorfin. Eleven more to go. She also raised her fishing skill to 600. Keya already has the means to almost reach max level 800 thanks to what I think is a bug. Each rare catch can be tossed back into the water to gain five fishing skill. When Keya caught the Thorned Flounder, her subsequent catches included another Thorned Flounder, which shouldn't have happened. She caught 25 of those fish, each of them worth five skill ups. That's 125 skill ups. Add the 55 skill ups from catching the 11 rare fish she still needs, that's 180 skill ups, just 25 casts short of earning max level 800. Keya is in no hurry, though. Her focus is still to catch those final 11 rare fish.

Here is the list of rare fish Required:
Caught as of 2017-02-10

Aszuna -
Leyshimmy Blenny (caught)
Nar'thalas Herrmit
Ghostly Queenfish

Val'sharah -
Terrorfin (caught)
Thorned Flounder (caught)
Ancient Mosgill

Highmountain -
Ancient Highmountain Salmon
Coldriver Carp (caught)
Mountain Puffer (caught)

Stormheim -
Greybelly Lobster (caught)
Thundering Stormrey (caught)

Suramar -
Tainted Runescale Koi
Seerspine Puffer
Magic-eater Frog

Ocean -
Seabottom Squid
Ancient Black Barracuda
    Note above - tough fight

Coming up - Keya will finally take the plunge into the last area of the Broken Isles - Suramar. Survival may become front and center, instead of fishing, if she is to make it in that highest level zone. Her i809 gear level will certainly be challenged. She's also a little concerned about her warblades, which are still at i803 and haven't been upgraded in a long time. Keya needs to find out how to improve her weapons - if possible.

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