Friday, November 18, 2016

Another Shot at Explaining Artifact Weapons

Another Shot at Explaining Artifact Weapons

Makakeya is a max level 110 Vengeance Demon Hunter. She wields ilevel 793 Aldrachi Warblades (main hand and off-hand warglaives). She is the most dangerous and deadly member of the guild, which includes guild leader Tiphaine. But even she doesn't really understand how to acquire and use this arsenal of traits and relics that can enhance her skill and weaponry, or even how they work.
At it's most simplistic, upgrading an artifact weapon requires artifact power, traits, and relics. Traits increase the strength of warblade abilities, and relics do the same while increasing the item level of her weapon. Artifact power is a commodity to consume or collect.

She starts with three empty relic slots - one each of iron, arcane and fel. I assume she will fill these slots with something.

She is given one artifact Ability - Soul Carver. Keya added this to her warglaive, filling one of the slots, and it also appears in her spellbook. She can now use that ability in combat. It's a start.
The Soul Carver is one button on the Artifact trait tree. Artifact Power (AP) is basically points that she can use to get more traits by spending AP. With me so far?

Keya goes to her Order Hall, on the Fel Hammer Ship. At the Order Hall, she has access to the Cursed Forge, which is where she can make changes to her artifact weapon. Keya can't add anything at the moment because doesn't have enough AP. She needs 6,840 AP to slot a new item or add a rank to an item already installed. Each time she makes a change the AP cost of the next change is even greater.

The main thing Keya wanted to know is how to best use those traits and relics. In what order should they be used? Should they be used as soon there are points available? Should she be saving points? Is there a "best pattern" she should follow, or is it all just the luck of the draw? None of these questions are answered.

Going back to the simplistic, the objective is to find, unlock, and use all of the 34 slots  available. And then, guess what? You'll get a bonus trait with twenty more ranks that can be used to increase damage (of course, this takes AP). She'll need a great deal more points to buy those twenty ranks.

Now, after all that, I get to the most important answer I've been after. Here it is: There is no magic way to get to 34. Random chance and the whims of quests will determine what you get and what you don't. And here I quote: "(1) you will eventually unlock every Artifact Trait on your weapon; (2) And the path you take to do so will not make a significant difference in your performance.

In other words, it's all blind luck. Just try to make the most out of the artifact power earned. PS - If Keya does everything perfectly (oops, she's already made mistakes), she'll need to earn 5,216,130 artifact points. Yes, that is more than FIVE MILLION points. Happy hunting.

Keya couldn't go through all that boring stuff above without catching some air and doing a little killing. She went hunting exclamation point (!) tags on the map showing where all the action was on the Broken Isles. She fought her way to one of the dungeons. There was only her at the opening, though, and she would have had to jump down a deep hole to get any closer. Not wanting to die, she just took a pic instead. Keya later helped two other players that were trying to kill a super elite. Keya weighed in. The kill got her a very nice i810 trinket that raised Keya's overall gear score from i793 to i796.

1 comment:

  1. See if Charlie pays attention this time. The new kittens are doing good. They blended in pretty easily.
    Two weeks ago I had to put my Taz to sleep. He had just turned 16 and was in serious kidney failure. He either had a stroke or a brain tumor that finally grew too big. He had lost all control of his back end and couldn't hold his head right. Poor Mulan keeps wondering around looking for her snuggle bunny. We are at 7 now though Mulan is 16.5 and not in good health.
