Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tuesday (30 Oct) - Done With Dalaran

Tuesday (30 Oct) - Done With Dalaran

Fist considered her plan to return to Northrend's Sholozar Basin to continue her leveling. Then she un-considered it. Fist ignored the cheap Wrath gear she was wearing and headed for the greener pastures of Cata's Mount Hyjal. Fist quickly proved to herself that she was a match for the new zone, and gathered up quests that were well known and dear to Wild. Fist picked up a shadow as she worked through a quest stream that had Fist going back to the quest givers again and again. Actually, Fist was probably the shadow. The only other quester Fist saw in the zone was one quest ahead of Fist. This early in the zone, there weren't any quests that warranted grouping up, so we killed and collected side by side much of the time.

Fist's xp came in big chunks, too. She still had the use of all her heirlooms, she had a big pocket full of rested xp, and she had two full hours of the monk buff. In a relatively short time Fist leveled to 81.

She had a decision to make. She was already collecting gear far better than what she had. That included a green chest piece with three times the stats as the heirloom chest. The heirloom chest still gives her the 10% xp buff, though.

Fist has been trying to keep all of her gear crammed into one 26 slot bag (the largest general purpose bag she can get). She has melee gear, and healing gear, and towny gear. And after doing well and having fun in Alterac Valley the other day, Fist may also be looking for pvp gear. It's reached the point, though, that she is out of carry around bag space for gear. Fist has enough trouble keeping her bags from filling to overflowing with quest junk, so it looks like Fist is going to have to put away her towny gear for now. That probably gives Naithipe one less thing to worry about her daughter, not to mention her prudish cousins fussing over revealing (Fist shakes her head) clothes (or lack thereof). All the boys of Orgrimmar are going to be sad, though. Fist is done with the boys, though, she decided. She would have to think up a new outfit - for the men.

For the most part the quests in Mount Hyjal appear to be the original quests without any nerfing. Fist has killed two elites solo. One of them, Sethria, Fist had to fight the first part alone, and then she got help for the rest. The other elite kill was fairly tough, and it, too, had a trick to make the fight easier. Fist ignored the trick, though, and took the elite down anyway.

The only nerfed quest Fist has run into involved an egg that Fist had to protect from incoming dragonkin. Wild's memory of that fight involved up to half a dozen near simultaneous attackers. Fist's battle involved just two, spaced out so that she could kill them individually. Ah well.

Fist gooned up one of the more fun quests, too. Everybody remembers the quest where baby bears are stuck in trees and have to captured, and then tossed from the tree to the trampoline on the ground. Fun and easy xp. Fist got stuck in the tree holding on to a baby bear. The quest was bugged, I guess, because nothing I did would clear it. I even tried abandoning the quest. Logging out and logging back in did free Fist, but the quest was no longer available. Another ah well.

Fist is used reporting each new level she reaches. With the longer and more extensive leveling needed in Cata, all Fist can report now is progress - Fist is 91% of the way to level 82.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to thank your Chargers for keeping the Chiefs in the Matt Barkley sweepstakes. :)
