Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wednesday (2 Nov) - Arrival in Boulderfist

Wednesday (2 Nov) - Arrival in Boulderfist

Sista joined Bruiserbabe in Boulderfist on Wednesday. Sista wanted to get a feel for the place. She decided to do some easy farming in Tanaris to get the Cooking recipe Clams Magnifique, which she can use as buff food for both her feral and healing specs as she levels. Cataclysm destroyed the original town of Gadgetzan in Tanaris, submerging it in the ocean when the shoreline was wrenched around. The new Gadgetzan is similar to the old one, but just enough different to be confusing. Gadgetzan is a neutral town where both alliance and horde can co-mingle. On the pve server of Silvermoon players in the town would show the yellow neutral flag. On the pvp world of Boulderfist, the flag is red. That was a little disconcerting to Sista, since red flagged players can be attacked. She understood this about Boulderfist when out in contested territory, but seeing it inside a town was strange. Sista, who is level 51, entered the Inn to talk with the innkeeper. There was a level 47 horde mage in the Inn and the two of us eyed each other suspiciously. Neither of us drew weapons, although the thought occurred to Sista that she could have left the inn, shifted to cat form, gone into stealth, and then slipped back into the Inn unseen and ripped that mage into shreds. I think being on a pvp realm is starting to affect Sista's head.

Later in the evening Sista got together with E. E is a level 70 paladin who offered to help Sista level in her new world. We hit Dire Maul, Blackrock Depths, and Sunken Temple multiple times. Silver joined us for awhile on her mage and we had a blast tearing through those dungeons. By the end of the evening Sista had leveled from 51 to 54. She also collected bags full of gear she is still sorting through, but she counted at least six pieces that will improve her gear.

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