Friday, August 12, 2011

Thursday (11 Aug) - Five Days

Thursday (11 Aug) - Five Days

Wild raided with Mf's Firelands raid on Monday. Wild raided with Lady Hunter's BWD raid on Tues/Wed. Wild raided with Bd's BoT raid on Thursday, and is signed up for Friday. Three different raid groups in the same week and in the same guild. This is starting to look like the days of old, only then it was both 10 man and 25 man raiding that took up the whole week.

I can't do all week raiding, though, not every week. Wild is committed to the Bd BoT raid Thurs/Fri. As for the other two raids, I'll take that as it comes. If Wild is available I'll join them, but I can't commit to more than two raid nights a week. I know that Mf understands that I can't always help him out, so I don't sign up for his raids, but if I'm in game he's welcome to call on Wild if he wants some help. I need to have that same discussion with Lady Hunter (or her backup, Fn) regarding their raid. I'm not sure what direction Lady Hunter's group will take now that they've dropped Nef. She was in game listening in right at the end on Wednesday when Nef fell (although she wasn't in the raid). She mentioned possibly going to Throne of the Four Winds. Wild wouldn't be interested in that.

Our BoT raid Thursday was almost like we were starting new. The raid leader, Bd, is back raiding even if he hasn't actually returned home, yet. We had some new raiders in the group as well. Wild almost missed the raid entirely. My internet went down, just like it did last week. It went down 15 minutes before raid invites. Cox cable still hasn't been able to figure out what's happening. Luckily I got it back up, but Wild was 20 minutes late to the raid. Normally they are still struggling to find raiders, but with Bd back he had filled the raid quickly. But they had waited for Wild, keeping a spot open.

After that one interruption the internet behaved itself. We downed Halfus quickly, but took three attempts to take down the Twins as some folks just didn't know the fight very well. We banged away at the Ascendant Council a few times, just showing the newbies what went on and getting in some practice. I really hope we take down the Council and get some shots at Cho'gal Friday night. After taking out Nefarian on Wednesday, I really want to go for the double and drop Cho'gal this week, too.

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