The Three Clans were out in force on Tuesday night. The new Horde pvp team, Hunter Fortress, made their first sojourn into the pvp battleground of Warsong Gulch. Assembling and preparing the team was not without it's hiccups, however.
The very first task was to make introductions and get to know each other, since this was the first time the four hunters had met each other. Three classes were represented - Blood Elf, Troll, and Goblin. Each brought their own experiences and talents to the table.
"Welcome!" said Speaknoevil, "you must be See!"
"No, I'm Beanoevil," said Beano. "You must be Shevils!"
"No, I'm Speaknoevil," said Speak.
Beano turned to See. "So YOU must be Shevils! Hi!"
"Um, no," said Seenoevil, "I'm See."
Three hunters looked at each other. "Who are we missing?" asked See.
"Shevils!" they all chorused together.
Hearnoevils, better known as Shevils, had not arrived.
It took a few moments to sort things out. Shevils was stuck out on the Lost Isles with a commission in Thrall's army. Shevils had attempted to get time off, but when Thrall refused, she sort of, well, wandered away from the Warchief's Lookout. I think that's called AWOL (absent without leave), but Shevils figured that she intended to come back - eventually. Her traipses about the Lost Isles have already been recounted, but as a reminder she ended up stuck at the abandoned Horde Base Camp. And she was still stuck there.
The team had a plan, however. All four of them grouped up and signed on for a Warsong Gulch match. Grouped teams are all sent into the same battleground together, and it doesn't matter where individual members are physically located. While we waited for an invitation into the battlegrounds, we worked on improving our communications for the upcoming battle. All communications had been in Morse code (also known as "Chat"), but that is slow and cumbersome when in combat. Ham radio was a great improvement which provided instant communications even during battle (better known in Azeroth as "Vent"), but it does require more complicated equipment and trained operators. Unfortunately, Shevils failed the operator test and never got around to taking the remedial courses. Shevils had promised Beano that she could run Vent for them both. No such luck, Shevils could only get half of it working.
"Half is better than nothing!" Shevils announced, trying to sound confident (which is hard to do when using morse code/Chat). Beano gave Shevils "that look."
Shevils was saved from digging the hole any deeper by the invitation to Warsong Gulch. Hunter Fortress was heading into battle. Well, three of them were heading into battle.
"Shevils is still under the command of Thrall and will not be allowed to leave the Lost Isles until Thrall says so." Or words to that effect. Shevils was not allowed to join the other three in Warsong Gulch (WSG). A dejected and angry Shevils decided to stomp back to Thrall's camp and give the meanie a piece of her mind. Poo had some other bodily part in mind to toss at Thrall. But on the way back a freaking plant killed Shevils. Sigh. Thrall sent the shore patrol out to recover Shevils. Shevils is going to have to complete her tour of duty.
Meanwhile, there was a battle to be won! Each member had differing levels of experience:
Speak - veteran of many battles (two so far), but lots of experience with kinfolk
See - another veteran with experience, but his first time as a hunter
Beano - a raw recruit, eager to show her mettle
Shevils - AWOL, who knows if this girl can tie her own shoelaces
The battle started, and the alliance team never knew what hit them. Speak led the way, tearing through alliance defenses, killing those who got in the way and scattering the rest. See was a quick study, and after a few "Hmm, I wonder what this button does?" moments, turned it up several notches and began bringing down the bad guys. Beano did her best to stay with either Speak or See and learned things like focus target, pet attacks, and "Run! something is killing you!" It was chaotic and it was a blast! A bunch of level 10s running around playing capture the flag, half of them dead serious and the other half dashing here and there with no idea where they were going.
What with all the pre-battle preparations and Shevils shenanigans, our evening went by fast and See had to leave. Shevils was still a corpse, but Beano and Speak decided to head into another WSG. It may have been the deadliest WSG any Wild family member had ever experienced - for the other side. The Horde took the battle to the Alliance. Almost all of the combat went on just outside the entrance to the Alliance base. And the combat was ferocious.
Speak was her steady, deadly self. Beano was a wild woman, running all over the battlefield and shooting at anything and everything that moved. Her pet disappeared at some point, and attempts to recall Sammy failed. Sammy had died, but Beano forgot about the pet spell Revive to get him back. Pets are automatically brought back to life after each death of the master, but Beano wasn't dying. Beano was having so much fun none of the above really infiltrated her over-heated thoughts - until Speak spoke: "Beano, you are getting close to Wrecking Ball!"
Wrecking Ball - Get 20 killing blows without dying in a single battle in any battleground.
Beano didn't know how many kills she had, but now she realized that "I haven't died yet!" Which was astonishing to think about. And she immediately started worrying about dying, which is not the kind of thing to get into your head about in a battleground. No one in the Wild family had ever achieved Wrecking Ball status. And here was rookie Beano vying for that award. Beano tried to maintain her current scatter-brained assault, figuring it must be confusing the alliance. twice she got into serious trouble. First, she pursued an allie that fled into a group of friends, and barely made it out of there when they all turned their attack on Beano. having escaped that trap, she tangled with a paladin that was determined to take Beano out. She fought and swerved, she leapt and she strafed, but that allie stayed on her. Speak was after the pally, though, and with Beano at around 20% health Speak took the pally down. Shortly after that Beano got her 20th killing blow and the Wrecking Ball achievement.
The Horde team was up 2-0 and we were headed for another flag cap. Beano was mixing it up with the allies along with several other horde when all hell broke loose around Beano. "They're focus firing one you, Beano!" Speak hollered. Beano tried to escape but there were just too many of them. For the first and only time, Beano died. Beano rezzed, got Sammy back, and ran back into the fight. The horde capped the third flag for the win.
There were ten horde players on the team, but it was Speak and Beano who got almost half of the total killing blows, with Speak edging out Beano 28 to 26. The final stats follow:
After the WSG matches the Dungeon team of Kiren and Sista laid waste to three dungeons: Scarlet Monastery, Dire Maul, and one other that escapes me. Both players leveled from 40 to 41. As the two dungeon crawlers get into the higher levels, the time it takes to level gets longer. We used to level 2-3 times during a night of dungeons, but we only managed 1 1/2 levels this time.
Sista made it to Exalted reputation with Darnassus as well, which allowed the wolf girl to get a great cat for a riding mount. What a treat!
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