Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday (20 Feb) - Shevils Gets a Job with Naithipe's Help

Sunday (20 Feb) - Shevils Gets a Job with Naithipe's Help

[Another computer failure has caused delays in posting - this should have been posted several days ago. Additional posts will follow to get caught up. The computer has got to go.]

During the down time between the Tuesday night battles with the Alliance Shevils decided to get a job as an Engineer. Tinkering is central to a Goblin's very nature, and what better way to tinker about than with engineering. Normally, Shevils would have to learn Mining in order to get very far in the engineering profession, since many of the most basic of materials come from the ores of Azeroth. Kiren, good cousin that he is (even if he does wear the Alliance tabard), offered such material as he had, being a miner himself. But Shevils got a visit from JB, letting Shevils know that she had made contact with Naithipe and the oft missing explorer had agreed to help.

Shevils wasn't sure how to interpret that help, having heard things about Naithipe that were pretty unsettling. "I only just recently got out of trouble with Thrall," Shevils was heard to mutter, "what am I getting into now?"

Shevils expected it to take several days for her to go from rank amateur to professional engineer. She needed rough stone and copper ore to get started, the Engineering Trainer advised her. A short time later Naithipe stopped into Nogg's Machine Shop and dropped off both. JB made introductions. Shevils got a long stare, and then a curt nod from Naithipe. The rest of the day, whenever materials were needed, Shevils relayed the requirements to JB. A short time later everything Shevils asked for arrived in the mail from Naithipe.

While Naithipe provided most of the materials, Mery, Deth, and of course JB also helped out. Soon Shevils' bags were bulging with completed and half completed projects. She got a real "bang" out of the explosives she crafted. When she saw those green tinted goggles, though ... well, that was when Shevils knew she had found her calling. By the end of the day Shevils was wearing them.

It was later in the day that word got out that Naithipe was about in Orgrimmar. A member of the Lao family heard that Naithipe had been involved in some transactions with a relative. The benign comment reached other ears. "Naithipe strikes again. She has a way of fading into the shadows even when you know she is there. Very sly lass."

DER had this to say about her. "Sneaky Naithipe. DER doesn't like her; thinks she is enslaved by the Wild family and a disgrace to all deathknights. He is out for blood. "

Surprisingly, Naithipe chose to respond. “DER has prostituted his pure level 80 form with Cata baubles. Challenge me when you, too, are wearing 23 strength socketed gems in your gear.” - Naithipe.

The back and forth got even more heated as the rest of the Three Clans listened in.

“Ooh, harsh words from a veiled figure. Accept my challenge when you have conquered a drake into a flying mount (bronze and blue) and the heads of the four leaders as trophies in your case, female.” – DER the Patient.

That was followed immediately with "Woops, DER forgot to add /flex".

The sarcastic response from Naithipe, "Ooh, titles - Naithipe the Explorer" was a bit unlike her, but no one really knows which direction her thoughts were taking her.

The response was certainly not good enough for DER. "DER wants to know if she happened to take the heads of the four alliance racial leaders while exploring?

“What’s that little Naithy? Ah, I didn’t think so. I have them on necklaces. My favorite is Tyrande Whisperwind as her beauty has never faded even once decapitated. I lick that head daily.” DER the Murderer."

The "For the Horde!" achievement for killing the four leaders of the Alliance was certainly a powerful accomplishment, and one that the Horde relish.

Naithipe was silent long enough to wonder if she had retreated back into anonymity. But as night fell she spoke once more. "I serve no one, and care nothing for such trophies, whether of Alliance or Horde. The Lich King created us both - that is the only master worthy of slaughter. Perhaps someday we will meet as equals on the field of battle against that Monster. Till such time, beware the stranger standing beside you. - Naithipe."

Here JB stepped into the conversation. "A word, please, DER. Naithipe did not fare well under the Lich King's tutelage. She is ... broken. I caution against goading her further. She is capable of terrible things. Yet she spoke of you as a future equal. It's a worthy goal - for you both. - JB."

JB was satisfied with DER's final response. “Equals we can be. Perhaps we can team up with Sylvanas to take out all of the inferior races and the undead can rule all of Azeroth. We can be monsters together.” - DER

Then it was JB's turn to smile when DER added, "JB be warned, both DER and Naithipe are out for inferior race blood!"

Said JB - "Take out your restless energy on the Lich King. Or better yet, Deathwing. I'm busy."

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