Thursday, March 15, 2018

Back in the Saddle (returning from vacation)

Back in the Saddle (returning from vacation)

(Note: There was no Warcraft played during my visit with my Mom)
(Tiphaine and Wildshard wave at Tanis and Erik!)

It's been more than two weeks since Java has been able to get into the Auction House. She is expecting a very large mess.

The mailbox was choked with items that had expired. Once Java got the mess cleared out she checked on her usual stock of goodies. As usual, the bag situation was complicated. The smaller frostweave bags were under priced at 286 gold when they should be closer to 398g. With the weekend coming up that price should rise to it's expected level.

Embersilk bags are the most difficult to determine the correct pricing for, allthough the reason for it has more to do with silkweave bags than the embersilk. Sellers are trying to get 900 gold for an embersilk bag, but silkweave prices are currently barely hanging on at around 700g. Several sellers have dumped silkweave, posting them around 550g. Java will let things settle out a bit before jumping into the pit.

Bag materials are also all over the place. Mat prices are very high, which will force Java to get her farming gear ready.

With the immediate needs taken care of, the Wild/Tiphaine family is faced with a major decision - Has the new expansion been launched or are they still in the Alpha phase? 

(1) My Alpha opportunity expired before I could use it.

(2) The new expansion, Battle For Azeroth,  can be pre-purchased at any time, but I don't get anything for buying it early. Other than a 110 level Boost which might or might not be useful.

(3) In fact, the expansion will not be released until at least September 2018.

(4) Back to the every day grind.

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