Friday, August 4, 2017

Bugged out in Val sharah

Bugged out in Val sharah
Plus a Pathfinder update at the bottom of the post.

Note: I'm two days behind posting. Keya got her magic wheel completed, spending 520 million for her 51st trait, but the achievement seems hollow. Artifact power gathering is becoming numbingly boring. She has also been doing full clears across the Broken Shore almost every day. That is reaching the gag point, too. She is only mildly interested in the random elites as well. They're like old enemies, worn out and waiting to be killed over and over.

Keya more interested in the legion invasions, which give nethershards. Val sharah being the current target of the Broken Isles. Blizzard mentioned that there might be a few bugs here and there. They'll get them fixed, no worries. Well, she IS worried. Keya has been roaming through the countryside. There are certainly armies of legion troops tromping all over the place, but there are no world quests, elites, or dungeons available. Keya went on a short killing spree and discovered she was getting no credit for the kills other than trash objects. Bottom line is the whole legion invasion in Val sharah is bugged to hell. Non legion activity is also affected, with groups of legion soldiers milling about in areas where they shouldn't be.

Keya figured she might as well wind up her Rift Cannon and get one good blast. She was denied even that. The cannon is loaded and primed, but it refused to target anything. Outside of Val Sharah the cannon again became operational.

Sigh. It will all be over in just about an hour. Update: The Val sharah episode eventually got straightened out but she lost an entire invasion. Invasions are about the only thing that gets Keya out of bed these days. Well, I take that back. There's still Pathfinder. The current status is below.

Pathfinder Update

Part One (Five Major Parts)
(1) Broken Isles Explorer (done, all zones explored)
(2) Variety is the Spice of Life (done, 100 world quests)
(3) Loremaster of Legion (4 of 5 completed)
        Good Samaritan (7 of 11 completed)
(4) Broken Isles Diplomat (2 of 6)
(5) A glorious Campaign (must finish class order campaign)

New Completions: 8/1/17
    Good Suamritan now (7 of 11)
        Three Quests required for GS
        The Arcway: Long Buried Knowledge (not sure about this one)
        The Arcway: Opening the Arcway (she has this quest)
        Court of Stars: Beware the Fury of a Patient (she has this quest)
        Note: You DONT have to do the dungeons, just do the quests

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