Monday, July 27, 2015

Happy's Rebound and Other News

Happy's Rebound and Other News

Well, spending time on the shipyard finally paid off, earning Jocy a pair of i685 boots to replace her i670s. The new galoshes raises Jocy's ilevel from i652 to i653 (Protetion spec) and from i659 to i660 (Holy spec). Woo hoo!

Jocy is a gear hoarder and a clothes horse, but it's been a long time since she's created a new set of clothes. Well, she recently picked through her many closets and chests and came up with a new look when away from her garrison. If she gets in the mood, she may also pull out some of her earlier favorite ensembles. Pictures to follow. Maybe.

Jocy continues to torture herself over the Draenor Pathfinder achievement, taking over the role that Wild started. Jocy picked up "Assault on the Iron Siegeworks" from the War Planning Map in her garrison, one of the twelve daily quests required for the achievement. She completed the quest (earning 600 oil), but did it recognize the completion under achievements? No. I must still be missing some pre-requisite to turn on the Securing Draenor part of the achievement.

Update: This time Jocy ignored the daily. Instead, she discovered that all of the twelve Assaults can be purchased right inside her own garrison with a Missive. No need to wait for it to appear as a daily. The cost is 200 garrison rescources, which is very cheap. Once more Jocy chose a quest, "Assault on Stonefury Cliffs." She completed the quest and turned it in at the garrison, and this time the achievement was properly logged. It's stupid, but taking the same quest from the War Planning Map (ie, the daily), the achievement isn't logged. But if Jocy spends 200 resources and does the very same quest, she gets the achievement. Sigh.

On another part, Exploring Draenor, Jocy completed Frostfire Ridge and Talador. She made a dangerous oops in Talador, riding into Shattrath City (the last area she needed to explore) like it was still in the hands of the good guys. It isn't in the hands of the good guys, and she found herself in the middle of an army of level 100 elites. She'd like to brag about her prowess in combat at that moment, but that would be hard to do, having been flayed and flattened into bloody paste. That was one time Jocy regretted her heavy armor and defensive spells - it took a long time for her to die. Surviving her reincarnation was also pretty exciting, but she managed to evade the beasties long enough to portal away.
Now on to the Auction House. Happy predicted dire outcomes for the weekend as prices plummeted and buyers stayed away. However, things started to warm up once the raiding groups got more active, and Happy had no problem selling high end weapon enchants at good prices. Luminous Shards, which had fallen from their average of 50g to 29g early in the weekend, had edged back up to 47g by Monday morning. The key Temporal Crystal market bounced around but when things settled its price was right where it usually stood at 100g. Embersilk and frostweave bags sold briskly and Happy even picked up some bargains. As for the four sorcerous mats (air, fire, water, and earth), those prices remain depressed as expected. Garrison production can be blamed for the overstocking. Overall, the feared crash of the Auction House didn't happen.

Happy's fall from grace was short lived. The weekend take: 26,488 gold. It's Happy's largest weekend take. Ever.

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