Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Garrison Grows

The Garrison Grows

The World of Warcraft expanded yesterday as Patch 6.2 opened up the Tanaan Jungle in Draenor. The most immediate change is that the prices on the Auction House for enchants and other items went through the roof. Happy wishes he'd bought a lot more stock to sell. Happy will make a killing, anyway. His treasure chest is nearly full again despite all those chunks of cash he's been doling out to Wild, Jocy, and Fist for gear.

Talking about gold is boring, though (except to Happy). The big news comes from the Garrison. Wild's family is about to become seafarers. Jocy got the nod to be the first sailor in the family. Through a short series of quests, the coastline near the Garrison was transformed into a shipyard. Jocy needed to get items from the Iron Docks, acquire a shipwright, and memorize shipbuilding plans. She then built her first boat, a transport, and set sail for the shores of Ashran (I think) where further questing awaited.

Jocy lost her way on those far shores, and remains tangled up in the Obstacle Course, fighting endless level 100 mobs. Wild has a mind to leave her there to figure things out for herself. Wild's plans are to check out the new fishing areas.

More to come . . .

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