Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday (15 Jan) - The Divine Bell

Tuesday (15 Jan) - The Divine Bell

The Divine Bell is the next installment in the Domination Point quest line.

Lao has been delaying the telling of the Divine Bell because she was greatly hoping for more news. She feels now that this will not happen until after the next patch.

Lao had captured the Bell from the Night Elves which caused a great rift in Dalaran. While it seemed too easy to Lao (though she was not the one who made the cloaking spell) to get the Bell back, it was indeed the true Bell.

Hellscream was about to ring the Bell and Lao was told she could be present. Lao did not want to be there at all but felt she had no choice, so she went. Ishi, who has been a strong proponent of Hellscream, was also there, as well as some miscellaneous soldiers who always seem to be at such events.

Before Hellscream rang the bell, Anduin Wrynn, the Prince of Stormwind arrived, telling Hellscream to stop.

Hellscream was very surprised to see "Varian's welp" (King Varian Wyrnn) rather than Varian himself. But Hellscream was going ring the bell and kill Anduin.

Lao was very uneasy at this point. Against her better judgement she liked Anduin. He, like Thrall, saw past factions and bigotry.

Hellscream rang the Bell.

As Lao suspected, people were not able to master their anger or hate. Lao herself had to kill six soldiers and then had to watch Ishi try to master his doubt and hate, ultimately failing and being killed by Lao.

His last words were, "I have failed you, Hellscream." To which Hellscream responded, "yes, you have."

At this point Lao had had enough and was about to lay into Hellscream when Anduin spoke.

While the Mongu created the Bell, the Pandarians created a Hammer to counter the Bell. This Hammer would ring harmony rather than anger or hate. Anduin has the Hammer and, before anyone can stop him, sounds the Bell with it.

Hellscream is appalled and angry at Anduin's actions but before he can attack, a rumble occurs. The Bell cannot handle the harmony that is occurring around it. The Bell crumbles and crushes Anduin.

Hellscream's quest to use the Bell is destroyed and so is Anduin, it seems. Furious with the loss of the Bell, Hellscream leaves.

Lao waits till Hellscream is gone and rushes over to Anduin. He is not dead as Hellscream assumed but he is very much crushed, hanging on with just a thread of life.

Lao can't heal him, cannot do anything for him. She is Horde and he is Alliance. She waits around hoping for someone else to come, but no one does, and she leaves. Not knowing what else to do.

There have been no more letters from Vol'jin, no summons from Baine or Thrall. Everyone has been very quiet.

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