Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wednesday (22 Aug) - The Conundrum of Naithipe

Wednesday (22 Aug) - The Conundrum of Naithipe

A conundrum is defined in a couple of ways. As a "confusing and difficult problem" and also as "a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun." Synonyms include words like puzzle, enigma, anagram, mystery.

At the Boar's Head Inn Naithipe stalked up to the very dangerous and volatile Gamon and settled onto a stool next to him with a rattle of bones. The two engaged in a low voiced conversation that one customer in particular observed with interest. The observer could not make out the words, but considered it damning enough that the conversation was held at all, and that after downing a draught of Gamon's favorite brew, Naithipe walked away with all her bones still intact. Gamon has no love of death knights. Very strange.

Leaving the Inn, Naithipe was observed coming up to a guard outside Grommash Hold. She spoke with the guard, who quailed in fear, looking around frantically for help. The observer wisely hid behind some shrubbery, although far out of range of hearing what was said. Naithipe finished her business, took flight and disappeared while the observer extricated himself from stinging cactus pears. Dratted quest!

JB was also on the move. Word finally reached JB from Silvermoon City. Jocey, worried about Naithipe, broke her word to Naithipe to keep her trip quiet. Jocey wrote to JB, telling her that Naithipe was acting strangely ... well, even more strangely than usual. Naithipe expects Jocey to travel to Tranquillen in the Ghostlands for purpose or purposes still unknown to Jocey. Strangest of all was that the menace that always seems to ooze from Naithipe was oddly muted. Jocey was confused about what she should do and wrote to ask for guidance from JB.

JB read over the letter a second time, gritting her teeth in frustration. Garrosh's war plans were ratcheting up into high gear, and neither she nor Wild had time for new shenanigans from Naithipe! JB considered sending Philly after Naithipe, but of course it was unlikely Naithipe could be found if she didn't want to be. She also didn't want to lose Philly to the war effort by sending her off to Silvermoon City on some wild goose chase of Naithipe's. But JB needed someone out there is aid Jocey. Who?

JB was standing on the porch outside the Inn. JB smiled grimly as who would be strolling past her but fellow shaman EZ. JB has always been hard on EZ, a fellow shaman who never seems quite able to live up to JB's standards. EZ, as easygoing as her name implied, jumped at JB's bellow to march over to where she stood. JB handed the letter from Jocey to the surprised EZ. "Read it," JB snapped, and waited impatiently for EZ to finish. EZ looked up. JB snatched the letter back.

"On your way, girl, I want you in Silvermoon City TODAY. Get any latest word from Jocey, and then hightail it to Tranquillen. Anything going on in the Ghostlands will likely center on Tranquillen." JB waited a beat as EZ continued to stand in front of her. "GO!" JB waved both arms like she was shooing off a flock of birds. EZ fled.

Naithipe had business still in Orgrimmar which would delay her journey to rejoin Jocey. She did not know about Jocey's letter. She would be very, very unhappy when she did learn of it. "Unhappy" doesn't come close to describing Naithipe when she finds out about EZ.

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