Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekend (13 Jun) - Busy Busy Busy

Weekend (13 Jun) - Busy Busy Busy

We have friends visiting us, and are baby-sitting two cats, on top of a number of other real life things going on and it has been tough getting on the computer the past few days. And there wasn't even any painting going on.

Wild was all but absent and Philly couldn't seem to match up her in game time with either Wintergrasp or a VoA run and came away empty each time. The younger girls did get some slices of time. Mery leveled from 42 to 43 and had to put in a request for more hi-impact mithril shells for her gun with Lao after nearly emptying her current supply. EZ also leveled up, from 35 to 36, but was still a little disappointed she didn't make any more progress than that. There was talk that Naithipe was also out and about. There were no confirmed sightings, but rumor has it that Naithipe paid a visit to the big game hunter, Nessingway, and had gone hunting.

Happy and JB have quite the racket going, with JB crafting Flasks of the Frost Wyrm (average cost to make - 15g) and then Happy selling them for 20-25 gold each. The demand for the flasks, needed by virtually every raiding healer and DPS caster, was huge over the weekend.

The only major event over the weekend was Sin and Philly (after Philly kicked out EZ so she could come) pairing up for a Halls of Lightning normal dungeon run. Sin was finishing up the series of quests in the Sons of Hodir faction grind, the culmination of which was killing the final boss, Loken, in HoL. We had a bit of an over-cautious warrior tank for the run, but with an iffy rogue who routinely got himself killed and a mage who couldn't out DPS the tank, it was probably good that he took his time. Sin has made level 79 and the family is looking forward to congratulating her on level 80 in the very near future I'm sure.

Finally, Wild has a chance to make a rather large upgrade to his moonkin set. Wild was eyeing a pair of i264 cloth boots on the AH that would solve a vexing problem Wild was having with his +hit stat. In order to meet the minimum requirements of being able to hit a raid boss, Wild was using a trinket for a large amount of his +hit. I'd really like to replace that trinket with a +spell power trinket instead. The boots would make that possible. However, the boots cost 8,000 gold, which if Wild bought them would make them the single most expensive thing Wild has ever bought. Happy talked him into checking all of the +hit drops in ICC10 to see if a solution might be there (instead of in Happy's wallet). A review of the loot showed that there were seven items accessible to Wild through ICC10 that would help Wild get his moonkin set up to speed. A little patience and Wild would not have to spend that gold. That's not to say that Wild won't go off and buy those boots, anyway, but Happy at least kept hold of his gold for a few more days.

In other real life news, Wild will only be raiding on Tuesday night. I'll be at a Padres game Wednesday night. We're still in first place. How that can be is a mystery to all of us, but we're enjoying it while it lasts.

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