Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday (4 Mar) - Fading Hope for ICC10

Thursday (4 Mar) - Fading Hope for ICC10

The MM group could only muster six raiders for the second night of our ICC10 run. There was some frustration on the part of those from MM since there were more than a dozen of their guildies in game, but none were available to fill the remaining spots. The raid leader was not interested in filling in with strangers from LFG, and at 6:30pm called off the raid. With the raid leader himself uncertain about his availability now due to his changed work schedule, I'm afraid this group is all but dead. Wild's sad fortunes with ten man groups continues.

On a brighter note, Wild did get into a PUG 25 man VoA Thursday morning. This is the raid inside the pvp zone of Wintergrasp.

As usual the raid went after the boss with the best loot first, Toravon. For being the newest boss in VoA, Toravon is something of a pushover, and in the handful of attempts against him Wild had yet to see a single wipe on this boss. Well, until this run. We did wipe on our first try, which was an ominous sign, but luckily it seemed to be a wakeup call. We killed Toravon on our second attempt.

After the main boss goes down, VoA PUGs usually fall apart as many don't need or care about the other three. This time, however, the raid held together and we killed Koralon as well. Several raiders left after the second boss, but with around 20 raiders we took on Emalon, the toughest of the four bosses. We killed him, too. Riding that wave of success, about 14 of us stuck around and took on Emalon, and for the first time Wild got a full clear of all four VoA bosses when Emalon died. Wild didn't get any loot, but picked up some badges and had a pretty good time.

Philly has now entered that terrible levelling zone of 76-79. Experience gained in the Isle dropped precipitously now that she is level 76 and I do believe that random dungeon runs are in her future to speed up the levelling process. Philly probably needs one more run with DER and Sis in the Violet Hold to make sure her gear and spell rotation changes stand up to 5 man healing needs, but she's pretty confident that her mana issues have been greatly improved. Maybe we'll even see some cloth gear drops for Sis and Philly, since DER hogged all that plate gear that dropped last week. :P

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