Monday, December 21, 2009

Return From Vacation (20 Dec) - Back in The Saddle

Return From Vacation (20 Dec) - Back in The Saddle

Well, we're back. Had a great vacation up in Monterey. Did some site seeing and some hiking, and hit up all of our favorite eateries in the area. We tried a hotel in town that also offered RV spots as it cost less than half what a real RV park goes for in that area. It was essentially a parking lot with RV hookups, but what it lacked in atmosphere it made up for in amenities with a very nice bathroom/shower and complete privacy as we were the only ones there. And of course the price was right and it was a convenient walk to wherever we wanted to go in town.

The wireless connection was as iffy as they usually are in any RV park we've ever stayed in, and I didn't bother even to check email for the few days we were there.

Lots still to do to get ready for Christmas, so there may not be a lot to report on this week. Happy did get his fix on the AH. Had a lot of sales waiting for him, but most of that gold went right back into buying up stock. Prices are up on a lot of mats - good for sales but the higher price Happy pays to replace what he sells, the riskier it becomes as prices are bound to retreat to lower levels at some point. Philly may have to do a garage sale on jewelcrafted items as she has nearly filled an entire bank tab with stuff as she's skilled up. Cut gems and inscriptions in that tab are available for anyone who wants them to use or sell so help yourself.

It did not look like Wild's guild ran on Sunday. Wild didn't make it and hasn't been on yet, but a check on the raid calendar showed only 15 of the 25 needed had signed up. Glad to see there was still some pvp going on while I was gone! Jocelyn might be able to get some time in game Monday night but can't be sure.

On a different subject I saw that the new ATG V season for Strat online is now open for business. I've never played the ATG seasons, but with the new Negro League player set now included I'm going to have to give it a try. I may try to start an "era" league that would include either the 1900 thru 1920's or 1930-1950's so that major league and Negro league players can compete against each other in the negro league era's.

Ok, off to wrap presents!

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