Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Horde Family Questions Alliance Garrisons

Horde Family Questions Alliance Garrisons

While there are differences in construction and looks, the basics of a garrison should be pretty similar to both factions. Well, it didn't take long for there to be contention between Horde and Alliance family members on which side was better at it.

When the horde was on the quests for felling trees and preparing to build their garrison, they faced numerous large beasts that fought in groups and protected their little ones. It was truly dangerous work.
When Sista began building her garrison, she also felled trees and faced, well, birds. Little birds. A couple of rakes and a shred and they were pillow stuffing.

Sista then entered her garrison and literally picked up bags of garrison resources laying on the ground or on the pack animals conveniently standing around. The bags are called Pipper's Buried Supplies. Really?

The horde side did not get any "gimmes" when opening their garrison, and had to earn all resources via quests to get started. This is the vaunted alliance?

Maybe things are evening out. Sista did the few quests that were available around the garrison, but she was still at level 90 when she reached the point where she could erect her first building, the Barracks. However, she was denied it even though she had the resources for it. Here is the complaint: "More quest progress is required in Shadowmoon before using the architect table." It was also offered that Sista should level to 93 and complete the quest, Bigger is Better.

I don't recall having to be level 93 to put up the Barracks, but maybe I'm wrong. I think the short circuit to a Boosted level 90 has unwired a number of things. Normally, Sista would have leveled to 90 and there would be sets of quests waiting for her as she went along. She doesn't have that framework now. I did a Wowhead check and Sista has done all the required quests needed to build a Barracks. So she is missing something probably not related to the garrison.

Sista elected to learn all she could about the land of Shadowmoon, locate flight paths, and look for quest hubs. She even did some flower picking on the way (she's an herbalist). She can fly at 390% and if she could ever get enough gold she could better that. For now, though, she's happy exploring her new environment.

Before that, though, Sista decided to take a scenic tour of the Tanaan Jungle. After all, Tanaan is directly north of Shadowmoon. Sista couldn't help but notice how close Tanaan is to the Alliance garrison versus the Horde garrison, which Wild says is much further away. Java laughed at that, poo pooing the horde's insistence that the Alliance get preferential treatment. The same goes for the trip to Ashran, which is a relatively short flight compared to the alliance lane. At least Wild thinks so.

Sista was busy gawking at the Tanaan jungle from the air. She found where the Alliance base will be - although at this stage it hasn't been built yet. She flew to the ship anchored at the shoreline of Tanaan, but no quests were offered. In fact, Sista can't start the Tanaan Jungle piece until her garrison is built up enough to build a shipyard. However, when she returned to her garrison she was able to access the architect table and - Hurrah! - was able to build the Barracks. She quickly acquired three followers, one of which is a bodyguard who's name she promptly forgot. She won't forget him for long since she plans on bringing him with her wherever they go.

I also continue to learn new things about worgen. Sista went to the barbershop. She has a nice human form, but there is certainly room for improvement. Alas, human form is not natural to a worgen and the barber refused to seat her. In her natural worgen state the barber had plenty to offer, but Sista was no longer in the mood.

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