Monday, April 18, 2016

Another Draught of Java: Sorting Through the Mess

Another Draught of Java: Sorting Through the Mess

Java campaigned well past midnight on Saturday night. She was up before dawn on Sunday morning checking her bags for anything useful in the pile of quest junk dumped by her bed. Java has sixteen slots for gear, but nine slots are already fitted with heirlooms. That leaves seven slots to fill in: necklace, wrist, gloves, belt, shoes, and a pair of rings. Her "take" from the previous evening: 18 pieces of potentially useful gear. Eight pieces were discarded immediately as they fit slots with heirlooms, which leaves ten. There are two weapons in the pile - a one handed axe no better than what she has, and a two-handed greatsword. Java likes the greatsword for its greater damage dealing, but she would have to set aside her shield. Java decided to keep the greatsword and will give it a whirl. She also found a pretty Floodplain Vest she decided to keep just for the looks, storing it with what she calls her clotheshorse gear. The rest of the gear was worthless. Java needs to mention that she's not taking any healing gear, which also eliminates any need to maintain a healing gear set. At least not until the leveling grind is over.

Java had fun at the Fizzcrank Airstrip. It was a lot easier than the last time a Wild family member had to battle through all those robots. Here Java reached Level 73. By the way, Java went back to sword and board. At first it seemed the two hander would deliver greater damage, but over time the numbers slipped. Sword and Board it is.

The Borean Tundra has been plumbed. There is nothing left other than successfully hammering down Level 74. Java grabbed a boat to Stormwind. At the Auction House Java was able to purchase upgraded gear and enchants at reasonable prices for her bracers, gloves and shield. But she's still wielding that same ole' Champion's one-handed sword (i154). Given that she'll be carrying it awhile longer, she prettied it up with an enchant. The shield looks cool, too. Then she headed for Dalaran.

Jave didn't stop there. Twice Java has been turned toward Dalaran and she resisted. No more. Crystalsong Forest (with Dalaran brooding above it) is a wide land. The first quests dotted across the whole of it. She waded in and reached Level 75 before breakfast.

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