I am buried in a mess of my own making involving the arcane arts of Blizzard GMs while still trying to support Java and the daily work of many other hard working folks carrying on their daily lives. Within "A Tale of Two Concurrent Paths" are two story lines. The first is directly below. Look for the second story below the latest pic of Java's innkeeper friends.
Just Keep Pounding - Java's Journey Continues
There is something of a ruckus going on about the Alliance guild and the status of varying members of three guilds: Order of the Dragon, Knights Templarr, and Tea Green. Java is ignoring all of that, focusing on her mission. In that vein she collected and completed almost two dozen quests located all over Netherstorm. The mostly short flights did help speed things up. The fights themselves are taking a little longer. The kill rate is slowing down as the competition gets more dangerous.
Java also helped another alliance player for a while. Both were inside one of the Manastorm bubbles. Neither one of them really knew what they were supposed to be doing but while trying to figure it out things kept trying to kill them. Java grouped with the guy long enough to show him where he needed to be and then helped keep the numerous attackers at bay while waiting for the quest to complete. I don't think he would have survived without Java.
Java was supposed to destroy four Manastorms during that long set of quests, but didn't need to do the fourth one - she made level 70. The new level also pumped up her flying speed from 170% to 270%. She could have gotten another speed increase but it cost over 4k gold and she only has about 8k gold left. Better save that for when - hopefully - more funds come available. For now she has been keeping ahead of her enemies using quest gear drops. The gear isn't great, but its serviceable and she has to admit it's kept her alive.
Since there seems to be so much interest in the local innkeepers of late, Java shared a moment while talking privately with another little lass.
Account Shenanigans - Gold, Guilds, and Game Masters
As has been reported, the Horde Wild Family and the Java Alliance Family are going through a reorganization. The specifics of rearranging personnel on two accounts have been settled. All that is needed is to execute the plan.
And, of course, no plan survives the first hurdle. Mery was the first test case. She is slated to change accounts, but the attempt to do that failed. Three Game Masters (GM) tried to sort out what should have been an easy task. None succeeded.
I began to suspect that the problem could be the second account, which had been inactive literally for years. The latest GM (#4) gave me three days of free activation on the second account to help me sort out the problem. It didn't work. I think a couple of things have happened. First, that account has yet to be upgraded to Pandaria, much less Draenor. Maybe that is the issue. I honestly don't know.
So, the latest GM (#5) agreed that things were screwed up and it would take a live person to talk me through whatever needs to be done. They're on central time so I'm waiting for them to open the door for business. I've already decided that I will change passwords just to be sure there isn't some other kind of shenanigans going on.
I was impressed at how quickly a Blizz rep (call him GM #6) contacted me by phone when I sent a support request to talk a live person (15 minutes from request to receiving a call). He quickly confirmed that the problem was with the second, older account. The two versions of the game were no longer compatible with each other so any kind of transaction involving both accounts could not be done. Unless - I buy the Warlords of Draenor (WoD) upgrade for the second account.
I wanted to make sure the account was active, so I logged in to see how those toons were doing. That was a mistake. The minute I saw them it was like a family reunion. I confess that I still love them all! They were delighted to see me and hurt that most of them will have to be mothballed again. If only I could have like 24 slots in one account to keep them all safe. Sigh.
And yes, I paid the piper and purchased WoD for the second account so my new Alliance team can continue to progress and prosper.
Update #1 - The second account is up and current with Warlords of Draenor. As a bonus Alliance worgen Sistaphilia (on the second account) was given a Boost from level 60 to level 90. Welcome to the jungle!
Update #2 - Merylitlbotm (Mery) successfully transferred to the second account on her second attempt, and that move opens a spot in the first account for Sistaphilia. To her great surprise, Mery had to change her name. I couldn't imagine someone already having the name Merylitlbotm! Mery's new name is - wait for it - Merytophvy.
Update #3 - I goofed. I did the Boost for Sista before the transfer. Now I have to wait three days before she can change accounts - another arcane rule. I should have done the transfer first.
Update #4 - Tiphaine and her guild attempted the faction change. Here is what happened:
Guild Master Faction Change unavailable
Please clear the mail from this character’s mailbox and try again. Fixed.
You must have guild members to use this service. Fixed.
Your Battle.net account needs to be protected by an authenticator for at least 7 days before you can initiate this service.
It's incredible the hoops I'm putting myself through for what should be a straightforward process given how long these options have been in place.
Take a deep breath. This is where things stand as of this moment at 10am on April Fool's Day. The joke is that all of the above is NOT a joke. There are still many moving parts and broken stuff that needs to be fixed, but that will have to wait until the next post.
Sorry, there aren't any pretty innkeepers available at the moment. Java needs to go kill some things first. Later.
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