Saturday, October 28, 2017

Adding To The Cause

Adding To The Cause
Things Can Change Quickly

Keya has fallen upon a video that may help her put more of the pieces she needs to get her class flying mount. The you-tube video begins at Delivery Point in the Broken Isles.

(1) Malev Shadowsong is there to complete the quest "Strike Them Down."
(2) Upon completion the player gains the achievement "Breaching the Tomb."
(3) The next quest is "Livin on the Edge"
(4) Mother Matron Malevolence then offers a quest
(5) That opens the "To Fel and Back" quest

Issue: It appears that all the requirements of "Breaching The Tomb" must be completed before the above quest will appear. The problem is that Keya can't figure out how to complete the eight requirements. There are no open quests for any of them.

Another tact - Keya is now using a guide to walk through the Breaching the Tomb quests. For once this guide seems to know each step and how to get to them. Steps 1-7 Keya had already completed, although she didn't know that at the time.

Step 1 and 2: Armies of Legionfall/Assault of the Broken Shore (completed)
Step 3 and 4: Aagen Point/Veangence Point (completed)
Step 5: Begin Construction. (completed)
Step 6: Defend Broken Isles (completed)
Step 7: Champions of Legionfall (completed)

Step 8: Shard Times (NEW quest completed) - This is where Keya started completing additional pieces of Tomb all by herself.

Step 9: Mark of the Sentinax (NEW Quest completed)
Step 10: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy  (complete 8 world quests) - 7/8 done

    Keya did an exhausted run of several hours, hoping to earn one more Broken Shores world quests. She killed elites by the handful and even wacked Aquex, the floater that hangs out by the sunken ships. Got some goodies, but no world quests completed. She may end up waiting until the next day. Brutallus is up and is definitely a world boss, but he is needs a full scale raid to bring him down. No one wanted to try it.

At this stage of progress Keya is literally humming with excitement. Sure, there are still six more pieces to finish the puzzle. But everything looks good so far. Things will again get interesting when "Breaching the Tomb" finishes.

But it's not over, and there may still be roadblocks not yet encountered.

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