Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Netherlight Crucible Gives and Takes

Netherlight Crucible Gives and Takes

Yesterday Keya was ecstatic about the rapid advancement of her weapons and gear, going from i905 to i916 in less than two days. Apparently, that was a depressing mirage. During the process of buying the 60th warblade trait and purchasing two traits from the Netherlight Crucible, Keya's overall gear score of i916 mysteriously became i910.

The insertion of the Netherlight Crucible was the only significant change in the normal process. Unfortunately, there is no hard evidence (ie, pics of Keya's gear) to show when it happened. What she knows is this: Her last verified check of her gear showed her at i905. Her gear score did not change when Keya purchased the three warblade upgrades (traits 57-59). Keya can also confirm that she twice earned gear upgrades purchased with veiled argunite: a necklace (i885 upgraded to i895) and gloves (i885 upgraded to i910). Finally, she upgraded her leggings from i940 to i970. Keya wasn't watching her overall gear scores while all of that was happening.

Keya believes something changed or readjusted. Her gear score scooted from i905 to i912. Keya was learning the Crucible, she'd taken the 60th trait, and she socketed two traits on the Crucible. With that done, she then checked her gear and discovered her i916 gear score had somehow become i910. No idea what happened. Nothing to be done about it now. However, Keya will be taking pics each time she gets a gear upgrade from now on.


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