Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Last Days of the Golden Goose?

The Last Days of the Golden Goose?

Doom. That is one prediction among the auctioneers plying their trade behind the podium of the Auction House. Chaitee finds herself standing uncomfortably empty-handed, in a chamber full of potential buyers who aren't buying anything that she's selling. Stormwind Auctioneer Jaxon, who Chaitee does all her business with, is sympathetic. Jaxon gets paid regardless, but even she feels some of the pinch since she gets a percentage of everything sold through her.

 Chaitee cautiously ponders the thought of going to one of the other auctioneers to see if her luck changes. However, like deciding to stop going to your long time barber, such action has it's own kind of consequences. Word gets around that you're shopping for a new barber (or a new auctioneer) to work with. Hurt feelings result. Sometimes there are repercussions. Chaitee did stop by Auctioneer Chilton's podium a couple of miserable days back. Now she wonders if Auctioneer Jaxon knows about that exchange. Like she said, word gets around.

Chaitee sold eight bags on Monday. That's a paltry take. No enchants. Mats aren't selling, either, including the wharehouse full of embersilk, hypnotic dust, and silkweave. Faintly good news is that embersilk and frostweave bags have held their value and position on the AH, but that's worth nothing if no one buys them. Disaster hovers over silkweave sachels. They typically bring over 600g each. This morning the price plummeted another 200g, from 575g to 397g.

The lull will eventually break. It has to.

Erik maintains the daily gold production results for the contest. Here is the March 7th statistics. The swing is positive, but far, far below normal sales.

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