Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Naxxramas Run

Naxxramas Run

Sista went on a Naxxramas run in Northrend yesterday. She figures it's Monday, a fresh week, and time to help Chaitee restock some mats that the AH has been stingy at supplying. Doing repeats of Naxx was trickier than the Twilight Highlands. She has that down pat, running through the raid the max ten times allowed per week.

Sista hasn't quite mastered the repeatable clears in Naxx. She followed the steps, starting with the Plague District and clearing up to the second boss. Something went wrong, though, and she wasn't able to get a reset. Might as well clear the raid, then, and that's what she did. The entire run took about 45 minutes. The catch wasn't all that great, but it certainly helps.

Infinite Dust: 54
Frostweave cloth: 170

A second run just flying around Northrend gathered up 32 more infinite dust and 180 frostweave cloth. There are two places where there are endless battles. Only certain kills drop goodies. Sista located a good position and zapped them with moonfire. Easy peasy. But boring.

Sista expected to craft some more bags this morning, but the morning patch is now going to extend to 2pm, so no WoW until later in the afternoon.

There will not be a gold count today.

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