Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Looking For Professional Work

Looking For Professional Work

I'm trying to be positive about Sista and her artifact weapons. She has reached max Level 110, only the second family member to reach that goal (Keya was the first). She wields the Claws of Ursoc.
Sista had hoped she would now be able to open up the druid Forge in the Dreamway so that she can upgrade her weapon. Unfortunately, she remains unable to use relics or traits. She has several and also has over 6,000 artifact power, but she is unable to spend those, either.

I thought the problem might be she just wasn't at the right spot, but I've confirmed the location. Sista is standing at the forge - its a spot ringed with three rocks that several websites have posted pics of. She right-clicks her weapon to bring up the traits and relics view. She then tries to change relics, buy traits, and spend points, but all she gets is this message: "You must visit the artifact forge in your class hall to purchase traits." Sigh, her weapon lies dead in her hand.

Sista has come up against a wall with levelling her tailoring and enchanting professions as well. Legion professions require a lot more work and effort than prior expansions. Sista relishes the work, and has diligently pursued her goals. There is a long thread of quests, which Sista is completing . . .  until she learned that the next quest in the thread is a dungeon run. I don't do dungeon runs anymore.
Channeling Wildshard, this harkens back to the original World of Warcraft, before expansions existed. Dungeon runs were mandatory to complete many things, including professions. But that was when Wild was actively raiding in an active guild where that kind of support was available and desirable. Yes, Wildshard is still in a guild, and yes, I still have friends there, but Wild can't help. Sista's family is Alliance.

It also doesn't change a simple fact. I'm not interested in dungeon runs I can't solo. Since that is a mandatory element, it appears the Tiphaine family will be unable to complete many of the professions.

Here is where the family stands on Professions:

Sista Tailoring: 740/800, 18 of 38 quests completed, the 19th quest "The Depraved Nightfallen" requires a dungeon run before she can continue.

Sista Enchanting: 710/800. Ring and cloak enchants completed. Started shoulder enchants, stuck at "The Glamour Has Faded" which requires a dungeon run.

Keya Skinning: 800/800. Completed
Keya Leatherworking: 723/800, still trying to figure out where she is in the quest thread.

On the other hand, when stymied go do something else for while. Sista went shopping, cleaning out her bank and spending 6,502 gold for six high end pieces of gear: Head, Shoulders, Legs, Feet, Wrist, and Hands. The Chest, Rings, and Trinkets were so expensive not even her purse could buy them. For the Waist there was no gear worthy of purchasing.
Before and After Stats
Sista's  Stats    Before        After    Keya Stats
iLevel Gear        i774        i789        i796
Weapon              i779         i779       i798
AGI                 15188      16519       17049
ARMOR           1690        1826        3755
STA                17302       19245        30823
Mastery             12%         12%       11%
Versatility            6%            7%          4%

So she still can't solo dungeons. But she is oh so much more dangerous to everything else. And poor.

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