Saturday, December 31, 2016

Legion Path Finder Part One

Legion Path Finder Part One

Tiphaine announced that New Year's Day 2017 will mark the official kick off of the guild's quest to unlock Flying in the Broken Isles. This is not a solo effort like the Draenor Pathfinder.

Legion Pathfinder Part One is an account-wide group effort. All members of the family can contribute. Part One has five separate sections. This includes exploring all of the questing zones, completing all major story lines in the Broken Isles, completing 100 World Quests, completing one Class Order Campaign (which Keya has accepted the lead for), and earning Revered with the 6 Broken Isles factions. A tall order. Some may not be achievable (ie, dungeons) but maybe another way can be found.

There is an online tool available to help track the progress, but it only tracks by character. As I understand it, though, contributions from all characters will count toward success. For example, Keya has competed the task of exploring Val-sharah. Java has completed exploring Azsuna. Both of those accomplishments goes toward completing the exploration part of Pathfinder for all characters, not just those two. Right now Keya holds all of the highest scores. That will change as other family members contribute progress.

Below is a spreadsheet to track the completion of tasks. Once a week or so it will be updated to show the current status and the character who holds the highest scores. Here are the scores for this week:

A score of 100 means that an interim task is complete. When all tasks for a Section is finished then section will show as Completed.

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