Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Today's Progress on Draenor Pathfinder Part 6

Today's Progress on Draenor Pathfinder Part 6

Jocy has made the decision to unlearn the Alchemy profession and learn mining and Blacksmithing.  I'm holding back on starting that, though, until August 6th when Blizz announces the new expansion - just in case there's something in there which changes things.

It will take some time to level Blacksmithing, but Jocy already has a ton of true iron ore from her mine (and Fist's and Wild's mines, too). The decision was finalized when she figured out what a huge injustice gear upgrades are for plate wearers. Fist and Wild can make/use essences which upgrade armor and weapons, such as the +15 essence that can raise armor ilevel up to i685. On the Auction House essences cost around 70-90 gold for leather and cloth wearers. For plate wearers, however, the cost is over 4,000 gold! The essence to raise ilevel to 700 can run as much as 30,000 gold. Jocy not only wants to be able to make her own essences, she wants in on the money train for selling them on the AH
Progress on Draenor Pathfinder continues, although Jocy is getting really tired of doing the same bonus runs and dailies over and over and over and . . .

    Voljin's Headhunters:    Honored, 3450/12000 to Revered
    Order of Awakened:    Friendly, 1500/6000 to Honored
    Saberstalkers:              Still haven't gotten around to them.

Secure Draenor: Jocy completed Everbloom Wilds, 7 of 12 Assaults completed.

Armor and weapon upgrades continue to trickle in for Vivianne: Armor upgraded from i660 to i663. Weapon upgraded from i663 to i669. Jocy got a modest gear upgrade from i659 to i661, which included upgrading her one-hand weapon from i630 to i650. However, the new weapon is a crit weapon with no +strength, so it doesn't really count.

Jocy also received in the mail her Admiral's Compass which can be used to port to the Garrison Shipyard.

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